Spitfire Fate.

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"Kaldur is uh, nice, nice? Don't you think so?" Artemis asked, M'gann. As we watched them train in the combat center. I looked over and raised an eyebrow at her, which she shrugged in response to,

"Kaldur is like a big brother to me!" M'Gann smiled, Artemis sighed and looked at me. I put an arm around her and patted her back.

"Give up, they're made for each other." I told her, she sighed.

"He's so hot though!" She whined, I laughed.

"I know Arty, I know." I told her patting her shoulder again.

Fail Aqualad.

"Do you have a mission assignment for us?!"Wally asked, running into the room, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Mission assignments are Batman's responsibility." Red tornado told us.

"Yeah, but Robin and Batman are out doing there dynamic duo thing." Wally whined as he mimicked them punching and kicking things. Red Tornado thought for a minute.

"Well this is Kent Nelson, he is a friend of the justice league and has been missing for twenty three days." Red explained, showing us a picture of him.

"So..why do you need to babysit him?" I asked.

"He's 106." Red explained.

"Guy doesn't look a day over 90." Wally whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"Nelson is earth's scorer supreme. He was Doctor Fate." Red tornado explained more.

"More like doctor fake." Wally mumbled, I elbowed him.

"We'll go!" M'gann smiled.


Red Tornado had given us some coordinates and a key to go check on this fake magical doctor. As we wandered around this field with no sign of any type of building anywhere I sighed.

"This is dumb." I huffed, Brea sent me a glare over her shoulder.

"Quiet Wally." She said as she walked forward.

"Come on, it's not like you're just gonna stick the key into thin air and a magical building will come out!" I laughed, until Aqualad stopped and did just that.

Brea looked back with a smirk. "What was that Wally?" She laughed.

A hologram of Kent Nelson appeared and asked us why we have come, I stepped forward and placed a hand over my heart. "We, sir, are here because we have come seeking Doctor Fate! We are huge fans!" I exaggerated. The hologram waited a second before a giant pit opened up underneath us.

"Wally!" Brea yelled as she held onto the side of the cage. "What. Did. You. Do!" She screamed.

M'gann gasped as the heat rose, she could barely hold me up any longer. "Red Tornado sent us to check on Kent Nelson!" She yelled, and the lava disappeared. M'gann set me down.

Artemis stormed over and hit me over the top of the head. "Ow!" I yelled as I rubbed where she hit. "What was that for?"

"Being an idiot and almost killing M'gann!" She snapped. "Why would you even lie?"

"Because, I wanted to prove that everything can be proved by science. Which is can be." I insisted.

"Wally, you're smart enough to know that you can't prove everything." Brea sighed.

"But this I can!" I defended.

"Then let us test out that theory." Aqualad smiled as he bent down to the bottom of the pit and opened a hatch.

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