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Dan Howell

Phil looks extremely flustered as I grip his broad shoulder, and step closer to him. When I press the ball of crumpled tissues against his chest, I feel it. His heartbeat is going insanely fast, and when I look at his face his eyes are focused down at the floor. His breath is uneven, and I am now almost completely drunk which causes my mind to go to dark imaginative places.

"There you're done," My voice is slow, and when he looks up his eyes are a tiny bit glossy and extremely bright. He looks at me for a good minute, not saying anything just holding his breath, which allows me to notice the green specks in his irises. Fuck I want to kiss him.

Without any delay, I slowly lean into him and I am surprised that he doesn't object. He just stays still until a loud voice booms, causing him to jump back from me. Fucking PJ.

"Hey what you two doing?" He asks, and my eyes follow Phil who has turned a deep shade of red, his hands slightly shaking as he quickly walks over to PJ and grabs his arm, dragging him out. Are they a thing or something? Can't be because I saw PJ with a girl I think? God knows. I run a hand through my hair, fixing the fringe gap I had developed and walk out. My eyes meet Phil's for a brief moment before he literally uproots PJ from his date and drags him out of the club.

Weird guy.

I order a drink on the bar again, so I can finally get completely drunk, but before I can do that I notice a silhouette standing over me. I look up to find the guy that was staring at me from across the club. His eyes are a shade of blue, not as interesting as Phil's but still a pretty shade. Why am I comparing his eyes to Phil's? I think I really am a little drunk.

"So," I mumble, letting my eyes roam his body. He is wearing a red plaid shirt and his light hair is in a quiff. He has pale skin, and a few freckles across his cheeks and nose.

"Wanna have a drink?" I offer when he doesn't say anything. It may be his first time. He turns around, and I notice his friend giving him a thumbs up sign. How lame.

"Sure," He squeaks and he reminds me again of Phil for a second, before I gulp down my drink and forget about it.

Sorry for the short chapter!

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