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Phil Lester

"Jesus Christ, Phil." PJ mutters as I sneeze again. It has been two days and I have been missing classes. After that day with Dan I just got back home with insane cold, and I don't even know why.

"Will you come to uni tomorrow?" He asks me hopefully.

"I really can't afford to miss classes so I guess I will." I tell him, sipping on my green tea.

"Thank god, I missed you." He pouts and leans forward to kiss my cheek. I push him away and make a disgusted face at his affection.

"Hey!" He takes offence as I wipe his kiss, and stick my tongue out at him.

"Don't do that you will get sick too." I tell him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Isn't your mom worried or something? You've been here for two days." I ask him and he looks up at me from my lap.

"No, I told her you were sick." He tells me and continues texting whoever he's texting. "By the way my mom totally ships us." He winks and I make a gagging noise.

"Yuck." I push his head off me and get off my bed to go and get a shower. Maybe that will make me feel better.

"Hey, I think we're cute. We are literally best friend goals, don't you think Philly?" He yells and I throw a cushion at him.

"Who said you're my best friend? And by the way when the heck are you planning to take a shower? My clothes are going to stink because of you," I point to my gengar shirt he is wearing.

"C'mon Philly you love me."

"Stop annoying me." I tell him and throw another pillow at his face before getting into the shower.

The night went smoothly and I didn't sneeze much. The shower really did help, but didn't help my thoughts about Dan. The kiss was still weighing heavily on my chest and whenever I was remotely unoccupied all I could think of was him. Did he even notice that I was not around? Did he miss me? I hope he did. I am kind of nervous to see him tomorrow. A small part of me hopes that he doesn't show up but the big and foolish part of me hopes for the opposite. With PJ's annoying puns and the inevitability of confronting Dan on my mind, I drifted off to sleep.

The next day I got to uni early. I walked into art with a thick sweatshirt and a beanie, just in case my cold got worse. I was one of the first people to come, so I just took a seat after grabbing my canvas, and dipped my brushes in water. There were now only two classes left for me to finish it and I was hoping that I get a good amount of work done today. When the bell rang after ten minutes I had managed to get to the base of my galaxy. I just needed to layer a few more colours and some planets and stars and I was done. I adjusted the easel and pulled it closer towards me, so I could work easily. I squirted some paint onto the pallet and began placing the colours with a dry brush before a voice interrupted me.

"Hey, where have you been?" And sure when I looked up, Dan was staring at me with a dimpled smile.


omg angel bean in a beanie gotta zayn ✈️

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