He's, like, psychic

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"Your Mackenzie?" I stuttered as the face broke into a small smile. Did I mention that this smile was absolutely beautiful?

"No, My name is Seth. Mackenzie is my middle name and unfortunately the name my mother calls me" Mackenzie, or Seth, shook his head and laughed to himself.

"Mackenzie was my great grandfather's name" Mona playfully smacked Mackenzie's arm, even though she had to practically jump up to do it.

"Apparently he had something to do with the snuggie" He stage whispered which made us all break into small smiles.

"Bring your stuff in, honey. Elliot will help" Mom patted Elliot on the shoulder and my brother leaped off the stairs to help., "Come Mona we must talk" Mom whisked Mona away to the living room leaving all of us outside.

"For my own sanity, please just call me Seth" Mackenzie, I mean Seth, huffed throwing a duffel bag out of the trunk of a black Audi.

"Don't worry dude. My middle name is Lascelles" Elliot shuddered grabbing a black suitcase.

"The poet?" Seth grinned. I really didn't take him for someone who would know who Lascelles Abercrombie was. He didn't necessarily scream 'literature fanatic'. He was wearing a motorcycle jacket for God's sakes.

"Stroke literary critic" I mumbled. Seth's green eyes turned to me and he smiled, "Of course"

"Cool shirt" Talia joined the conversation pointing at Seth's worn Bob Dylan concert t-shirt.

"It was my dad's" Seth nodded and picked up his duffel bag and suitcase. We helped him in through the door and he let out a low whistle.

"Just call me the king of Versailles" He said with wide eyes, "Are you expecting more people? This place is huge!"

"That's just how we live" Elliot jokingly slapped Seth's back and grabbed his suitcase.

"So your room is over here, across from Trish. And I'm a little ways down, then in the next hall is Talia and my mom is upstairs in her cave" Elliot debriefed Seth. I couldn't help but stare at the person I would be living across from for the rest of summer. I watched as he tucked his phone into the back of his black jeans and laughed at something Elliot said, his eyes crinkling slightly. Seth turned to me and I found myself meeting his eyes. I quickly looked away trying to hide the sudden pink that had crept into my cheeks.

"So we're like roommates, but not really" Seth said still staring at me.

"But not really" I quickly said opening my room door and closing it behind me.

"Excuse her, the results are still coming back in" I heard Talia joke.

"Nah, it's cool"


"This is delicious" Seth smiled across the table at mom during dinner that night. After his mom left, we all went to unpack and finally mom announced dinner, even though she hates cooking, and actually made us sit around a table.

"It better be for what I'm paying" Mom muttered into her mashed potatoes.

"I knew you didn't make it" Elliot rolled his eyes and shoveled another spoon full of peas into his mouth.

"Of course not" Mom said like Elliot was losing his mind, "When have I ever made an actual dish before?"

"So, Seth Why'd you decide to spend your summer in boring old Maine?" Talia flashed her mega watt smile and I instantly knew she was crushing *sigh*. Not that Seth wasn't totally crush-worthy or anything, it's just that my sister had a knack for falling too hard too easily.

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