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Chapter 24235345345

Noah pressed on the bell when we reached my house. I was feeling a bit weird to go there with him. I told him to go, but he said he needed to see Black anyways. After a few minutes, my mother opened the door. She looked at me first and then at Noah, as if she was thinking of why the hell we were standing there together.

"Hello Laura" Noah said while taking a step inside when my mum moved to let us in.

"Hey Noah, how are you?" she asked him. I snorted slightly. She always acted like she was interested, while she never was. They went into the living room chatting, so I went upstairs to my room. The only place in this house where I felt comfortable. When I was reaching my room, I saw Black coming out of his room. He threw me a look before bumping into me when he walked past me. I crashed into the wall, that made the side of my body hurt. I rubbed my arm, trying to let the pain fade away. I ignored him and went into my room, locking my door. A little tear streamed down when I looked at my arm, seeing it was completely red.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I looked up from my book to the door, as if I could see who it was.

"Yeah?" I yelled out, wanting to know what they wanted.

"Dinner is ready, I needed to call you down from your mother" I heard his voice out of nowhere. I stood up immediately. I thought it was Black, wanting to annoy me like always. I went over to the door and opened it, seeing him standing there awkwardly.

"Are you staying for dinner?" I let out without realizing. We never really had dinner together unless there was someone who was coming over. He nodded, before walking towards the stairs. I closed my door and walked after him, thinking of how peaceful I would eat when he was here. There was just a vibe around him. It was like he was giving off this positive energy, even though he was messed up. It was just something magical yet it was like poison too. Enchanting power was radiating to everyone yet he looked like he could kill you any time with his poison. He turned at me before sitting on a chair where everyone was seated. My mother was putting food on everyone's plate. She put from the pasta on my plate, and the huge mushrooms just made want to get to my room again. I started to take the mushrooms out of the pasta and put it on the side of my plate.

"Why don't you eat the mushrooms, Nila?" My mother asked with a soft voice. I wanted to roll my eyes. It was always like this. They didn't know a thing about me.

"Because I have hated mushrooms all my life" I said, making things only more aggressive. The smile on my mother's face dropped and I felt bad for her for a second.

"No problem, Laura. I like them" Noah said while taking the mushrooms off my plate and on his own. That made my mother smile again and Noah winked at me, that made me want to stab his eye with my fork. I hated that kind of stuff.

"We still haven't finished our talk" I heard my father say out of nowhere. I looked at him with a confusing look. What talk?

"You know, about you singing that ridiculous song" he said when he saw my confused look. My heart skipped a beat and I felt the anger raise inside of me.

"There is nothing to talk about" I said, letting them know that it hasn't changed anything as I see.

"There is, young lady!" My father yelled out of nowhere and smacked his fist on the table. I looked at him with an angry face. Did he really needed to do this next to him?

"There is not" I said and stood up, making my way up to my room. I knew that if I stayed, I would flip. And I didn't want to do that in front of Noah, even though I didn't care.

"Wait!" I heard Black yelling after me. Okay, it was now starting.


Broken Blue Balloons    (Islamic Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now