LMFAO (20)

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"Can we please go to the club?" I pleaded. Tonight out mates were going to the club and asked us to go with. Niall remembering when I got punched said no.

"Arabella May Williams no, we're not going to a club." Niall said sounding very annoyed.

"Niall no one will hurt me with you there." I said pouting and giving him the puppy eyes as I hugged him. He looked away.

I knew he couldn't resist my puppy eyes. "Fine." He said. I ran up to the room cheering. I heard him chuckle.
I got dressed in a peach dress with straps and it went to my mid thigh. I put a black leather jacket over it and I put my black high heels on.

I went into the bathroom and curled my hair, and put on make up. Niall walked in wearing black skinny jeans, a blue tee and a black hoodie. He looked so fit! He put his hair up in a quiff.

"Bella....you in there?" I snapped out of my trance and looked up at him.
"What sorry." I said. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded my head. Niall took my hand in his and walked downstairs. He got keys and his wallet. I got my phone and put it in the pocket of my jacket.

We got in the car and on the way there we listened to Pitbull.

"Heyyyyyy!" Perrie and Danielle shouted as they hugged me. "Hey girlies, wheres El and Al?" I asked. They pointed over to the bar.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. We started dancing and the DJ only played LMFAO. Which I was perfectly fine with. I love LMFAO. Eleanor and Alice joined us.

"Niall is staring at you." Eleanor said giggling. I blushed and smiled. "Go dance with him!" Perrie exclaimed. "No don't!" Alice shouted over the music. I looked at her confused.

Why doesn't she want me to dance with Niall? He is my fiancé after all.

"NIALL!" Perrie, Eleanor and Danielle shouted. I turned and saw that he looked at us confused and they waved him over.

He gave his beer to Zayn and made his way over to us.

"Yeah?" He asked. "Dance with Arabella!" They shouted all except Alice. Why doesn't she want me to dance with him?

Niall smiled down at me and took my hand. We walked further into the dancefloor and started dancing.

"Why is she glaring at you?" Niall asked. I followed his gaze and saw that Alice was dancing with Harry and glaring at me.

"I have no idea." I said confused. What's with her?

'Shots' came on and Niall decided to get us some shots. I only had two the same as Niall. He seemed a bit tipsy, but not drunk.

"I have to go to the loo." He said and went in the direction of the hallway. I walked back over to the girls.

"I'm going to the loo! I drank way too much water today!" Alice slurred and giggled. She walked to the loo almost without stumbling.

"Did you see how she was looking at you and Niall? She seemed so jealous." Eleanor spoke. Jealous?

"Wait...Jealous?" I asked confused. Eleanor nodded her head. "Yeah. Harry kept trying to dance with her, but she kept rolling her eyes and saying no. She was practically glaring at you." Dani said.

I frowned. Doesn't this mean she fancies Niall? My mate fancies my fiancé. She's dating Harry.

"Niall is in the loo and so is she. What if they..." I frowned at the thought if them together.

"Let's go see, shall we?" Perrie asked. We walked into the hallway and saw Niall talking to Alice. She knew we were there and she hugged Niall and pressed her lips to his. He pulled away and turned to walk out and he saw me standing right behind him.

My eyes watered and I ran out of the club. Zayn, Perrie and Niall followed after me. I literally ran out of the club and down the street close to an ice cream shop.

Paparazzi followed and I couldn't run well with my heels on so I took them off and ran. "Arabella stop!" Zayn and Niall shouted.

I stopped and felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and saw Zayn. He tried to calm me down as Niall and Perrie caught up to us.

Perrie hugged me. "I just want to go home." I said with tears falling down my eyes. Zayn and Perrie pulled away and Niall pulled me into his chest and wiped my tears.

"Come on." He said picking me up bridal style. I put my shoes on my stomach and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We said goodbye to Zayn and Perrie.

The ride home was silent u tip we got up stairs and I changed into Nialls sweatpants and a 5 Seconds of Summer tank top.

Niall changed into black sweatpants and a white tee.

"Arabella, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me." He whispered sounding really sad. I nodded my head. "I know I saw her. What hurts me the most is that I trusted her and that she's my mate. Well she was..." I trailed off.

Niall frowned and nodded his head. "Harry already knows." Niall said with a sigh as we crawled into bed. I frowned. I feel so bad for Harry. His girlfriend cheated on him. Nothing hurts more than cheating.

"She didn't deserve him." I said. Niall smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Night, love you." He said.

"Night, love you too." I whispered drifting off into a deep sleep.

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