3. Stood up

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Last period was study hall which I had with The Arden Gang. Yes, all four of them. Hence I was cautious as I walked into the hall with Erin. Erik was already in the class, legs propped upon the table at the back of the class, nose buried in a book.

“I’m here, they won’t do anything.” Erin had reassured me.

I had conveniently forgotten to mention that I had a ‘date’ with The Arden Gang after school. If Erin knew, she would skip her meeting and I knew how much the Student Union meant to her. She was the president and yes, she got to order all the little bitches around.

We sat on our usual seat at the far corner of the hall. Study hall was usually kind of a rest period for us, because only those who were good in their studies allowed the chance to attend the class. Yes, as much as I hated to admit, Arden and his gang had both looks and brains. They studied well.   Hence we were given this unsupervised class and were free to do anything we wanted, just so long as it was within the class.

10 minutes into the period and there was no sign of Arden and the rest of his gang. I was starting to believe that he wouldn’t turn up, that everything was just an empty threat. Just as I was about to laugh at myself for believing that he would do something, Arden walked in looking cool as always. His hands were in the pocket of his tight pants. Now that I thought of it, Arden actually looked really really stunning.

Behind him, Craig and Zachary walked in, talking to each other and laughing heartily. As they turned towards my table, Arden’s perfectly carved lips turned into a smirk. Craig and Zach stopped talking as they looked at me, Craig winking.

The girls in this class started whispering. I knew what they were saying.

How could a girl like me receive so much attention from The Arden Gang? I was so undeserving.

I thought I saw Arden sneer as he and his gang walked past me to where Erik was sitting. However, he didn’t do anything as Erin was watching.

“Hey man.” Arden said, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

“Sup Arden, Craig, Zach.” He replied, putting his book down.

When the final bell rang, Erin waited until Arden and his gang walked out, before leaving for the meeting.

“You’ll be okay? Are you sure you don’t need a ride?” She asked for the third time.

“I’ll be fine, E. Besides, Isabella’s giving me a lift. You go on.” I smiled.

Actually I was really scared. I knew Arden was waiting for me. He was going to kill me. In my mind, I imagined myself digging a hole and burying myself. If only I had the guts to do that.

After Erin left, I took my time packing my bag, trying to delay. But time wouldn’t stop for me. After what seemed like twenty minutes, I finally left the classroom. As I walked along the corridors, people were whispering and staring at me angrily. I guess it would be quite some time before they forgot that I had offended their ‘prince’. I mentally laughed at the gross nick name they had given him.

I kept my head down, rushing to the car park where I was supposed to meet Isabella. Suddenly, a pair of legs appeared in front of me. I looked up, bracing for a whack in the face by Arden. But to my surprise, it was a girl I didn’t know. A cheerleader.


“Who are you?” I asked.

This girl had long blonde hair that reached her butt and a pair of boobs which were too big to be real. She was wearing a shirt which exposed her belly, with a skirt 5 inches too short for her.

“None of your damn business. But just so you know, you aren’t good enough to even be looked at by our prince, Arden.” She said, with a voice fake-ishly high pitched.

“And you are?” I stared at her boobs and her slim thighs. “How much did you pay for that, seriously?” A smirk was forming on my face.

Yeah did it feel good being bitchy to a slut.

Until I got another slap on my face.

It was so hard it made me fall on my back. I stared at her in anger.

“Watch your words bitch. Stay away from our Arden Gang.”she said, walking away, swaying her butt.

It took all I had to go up and teach her a lesson.

Restrain, Annabeth. Restrain.

I repeated in my head. Then getting up, I walked all the way to the car park, expecting The Arden Gang to show up anything. But no, they didn’t. That was when I got really tired of waiting for them. I had been really scared all the way from study hall to the car park, expecting them to show up anytime. Now I had reached the car park and they were nowhere to be seen.

Getting really annoyed, I went to the middle of the car park and shouted.

“Come out already! I’ve had enough fearing and expecting you to come out. Come take your revenge and leave me alone.” I half shouting, half crying.

I waited, but no, they didn’t appear.

Girls walking past giggled while guys hurled insults at me.

“What a loser.”

“Ha ha, crazy girl shouting in the middle of the carpark.”

“Annabeth!” Isabella called as she ran towards me. “Come, let’s go.”

She pulled me into a shiny red BMW and that was when the tears started to flow.


Sorry it's so short and

Hey! Erin's picture is at the side!

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thanks for reading.

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