Secret Little Feelings

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Here we are again

Smiling, talking, laughing

Friends, that's what we are

That's what we ought to be.

We're friends

That's what they all know,

That's what you believe,

That's what we should be.

But somehow,

Something inside me changes

As if a tiny little flower

Starts to bloom in this small heart of mine.

A flower, a sweet little fragrance

Weak yet powerful

Blooming slowly, gently

Every time you're here.

Is this perhaps what you call love?

That's what fills my mind

Is it even possible?

Am i actually falling for you?

Ah this unrequited love

This one-sided feelings i keep inside

This sweetest sin i know i should avoid

But how can i leave the only light i know?

How can i keep away from the only right thing in my world?

How can i let go of the very thing that makes my existence livable?

Do you think i can ever let you go?

Even if this love can never be returned.

I am taken and you are too

He loves me, i know

And her feelings for you

Beyond doubt, she loves you.

Whichever way you look at it,

It's obviously wrong

But if to love you is a sin,

then what a sinner I am!

Now i'm confused beyond relief

As the pure friendship i felt for you

Starts to blossom into something deeper, different

What should i do?

The right path is to forget you

To kill these thoughts of you

But i know i'd only be happy

If at least i could let you know.

Perhaps this isn't the right time

Perhaps there's no right time in this life for this

Perhaps i need to forget,

To be your "friend" once again.

And so these feelings

The butterflies in my stomach

The tingling in my senses

They should all be forgotten.

To be kept in the very depths of my person

To be forever hidden til they die a natural death.

Good bye, sayonara

My secret little feelings.

Lines of LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon