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we get off the plain into hot hawaii

and get a taxi to golden sands resort

"im so exited " ian screached in his childish voice

"i love you so much ian " i said thrn kissed his cheak

we started making out in the taxi

i felt him bite my neck i started to un button his shirt then the taxi driver grunted and we realised what we were doing

we giggled with embarrasment

we were cheaking in

i saw the receptionist turn round she looked do famillia

then i saw her name tag and i gasped

miss moat it said

this is my real mother

i didnt know wether to say any thing i just stared

"excuse me -m'am"

"oh im so sorry"

i said

after that surprize me and ian got to the room

"so wattcha wanna do" ian said

"what we started in the taxi"

i said rather seductively

*next day

"morning baby" ian said



the sudden knocking startled us

could she have realised im her child and come knockin i thought to myself

ian got up

slipped some shorts on and opened the door

i was waiting for the woman to walk round the corner when

or its the breakfast trolley

could this be love? an ian and melanie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now