New recruit

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"Gooooood morning, Clawhauser" Judy walked into ZPD positive as always. "Hey Judy!!" Clawhauswr smiled. "Sign your name here, you guys will be in room 421 today, like always" He giggled. As soon as Judy signed the last s in her name, Nick hugged her from behind. "Oops. good morning, ma' lady" He drank his coffee while signing in "Clawhauser" He paw-pumped him as he proceeded his attention to Judy, his girlfriend of 7 months. "Well, well if it isnt the sly fox" She smiled, while walking upstairs to room 421.
As they got in, they noticed the same face, but nick spotted a new face. "Hey, check it out" Nick looked at the black furred cat with emerald eyes. Judy looked at her as well. "Hi, my name is Judy Hopps! This is my partner, Nick." The cat smiled. "Judy. I've heard a lot about you, and as for you. Nick. You're way much hotter in person." the cat chuckled and looked straight as Judy glared at her. Her ears were low which meant chaos. "The name's Cheyenne Purlee." She smirked. "O kay, well, we'll be over there and if you need anything please-"
"talk to Chief Bogo" Judy smiled. Nick walked away and sat in the seat Judy and him shared. "If you ever flirt with him, ever, lets just say its wont be pur-tty." Judy gleamed in abliss. "Have a wonderful first day. Really, you're gonna love it" Judy walked over to Nick and sat on the chair with him.
"Good morning, officers" Chief bogo
walked in as everyone cheered. "Settle settle."
"I'd like to start off with a few words which i dont want to but. We have a new recruit. I should tell you her name, but i really dont care." Chief Bogo smiled then frowned into his resting face. "Since there isnt any reported missing cases today, which is a miracle, right." everyone clapped. "I will send everyone on parol. Tony, Peter; Giraffe express freeway. Josh and Garren, Cattington square park. Jake and Ricky; Zootopia District Park. Judy and Nicholas; Zootopia station. And~ Cheyenne. Meter lady. Everyone, lets go." Chief Bogo was walking out, but was cut off by blackness "Wait, Chief. Im way better than that i- i could patrol. But-but wh"
"I know you probably are, but i dont care. Lets go, 200 tickets today. It has to be taken care of by some Zootopia police office." Chief Bogo left the room. Everyone disappeared slowly after names had been called, except Nick and Judy. "Ouch, Ticket lady." Judy pretended to care "been there, done that" Judy smirked. "Yeah, you might want to wait a couple of minutes after their time expires." Nick smiled. "Well, gotta go patrolling. Have a great day" Judy and Nick walked out.

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