Chapter 10: Road Trip

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"Is your bag all packed, Sweetie?" Patrick's voice drifted down the hall as I stared, honestly zoned out, at the pastel shirt in my hand. I didn't even hear him the first time. I was only taken out of my daze by the fedora topped boy pressing his lips to my forehead. My eyes shifted up to him and a smile formed on my lips.

"There's my guy." Patrick pulled away with a sweet smile, "Feeling alright?"

I nodded, letting the shirt in my hands fall to my lap. I reached out my arms and made grabbing motions like a little kid. He just rolled his eyes before leaning into a hug. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, breathing in his sweet sent.

I was feeling odd, to be perfectly honest. I couldn't place it, but there was just something off. However, I didn't want to worry Patrick. We were leaving for the trip he had planned today, and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Brendon made fresh brownies." Patrick said, moving slowly so that he could sit on the bed next to me while still holding me. "Dallon is gassing up the car right now and they're getting the snacks. You ready?"

"Always with you." I smiled. We separated and just looked at each other for a moment.

"You still haven't packed, have you?" Patrick asked, giggles evident in his tone.

I looked down at my less than filled bag. "Umm... Maybe?"

Patrick laughed, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "I'll help. Your pretty pastels?"

"Aww, you think my pastels are pretty?"

"Well, not as pretty as you, Sweetie."

I blushed at his comment as I folded the shirt I had dropped in my lap. He could still give me butterflies, even after all this time of knowing him.

We finished packing just as one of the other two boys began knocking at our door. Patrick stood before grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. He planted a quick kiss on my lips before walking out to answer it. I picked my bag up off the floor and set it on the bed. I was so excited for this trip. I was going to be traveling with my friends just like old times... Except, this time, I had Patrick with me.

I was putting the backpack straps on my shoulders when I suddenly felt extremely dizzy and short of breath. I tried to reach out to grab something for stability but, the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I blinked at the ceiling I was now facing as I heard footsteps hurry down the hallway.

"Ryan! Are you okay?" Patrick's face appeared over me with concern on his face. He walked around me and reached out a hand to help me.

"I-I tripped..." I lied, a bit dazed. I wasn't quite sure what had happened. One minute I was standing, and the next I was on the ground.

"Are you sure?" Patrick asked, pushing some hair out of my face and looking me over.

I nodded, trying not to make myself dizzy again. I looked over at the doorway and saw Brendon with concern on his own face. I smiled weakly at him. He gave me a similar smile back, with a small thumbs up.

"Maybe we should hold off on going..." Patrick said, worriedly.

"No!" I argued, turning back to him. "Please, Patrick. I'm okay, trust me, I was so excited I just tripped myself." I pouted at the other boy, making him bite his lip.

"You're sure?"


He looked a bit unconvinced, but nodded. "Alright. Let me get my bag."

I clapped happily and wrapped my arms around Patrick, hugging him tightly. He just laughed, hugging me back. When I let go, Patrick walked down the hall and I was left with a jumping Brendon.

"C'mon, Ryro! We got Dallon's car all stocked and ready to go!" He exclaimed, nodding his head towards the door. "We are set!"

I nodded, following him down the hall. I blinked at the harsh sunlight that appeared when I stepped outside. It took a good few seconds before I could see properly. Dallon was pulling some drinks from the trunk of his car while Brendon held the taller boy from behind.

"How's it going, Ry?" Dallon smiled at me as I walked over.

"It's going." I shrugged, "You got any cheese whiz?"

"Cheese sticks." Dallon replied after a moment of searching.

"Close enough."

Dallon tossed me one and I caught it just as I heard the front door of mine and Patrick's apartment close. "We ready to go?" Patrick called out as he locked it.

"HELL YES!" Brendon cheered, releasing Dallon and throwing his arms in the air. He hurried to the passenger seat and slipped in. Dallon just rolled his eyes, pushing the trunk closed and walking over to the driver's seat.

I followed Dallon around and opened the door behind him to slip inside. Patrick sat behind Brendon. As soon as the car began driving, I could feel my excitement building again.

I was actually living like I wasn't dying. It was just like old times. It was like I wasn't sick anymore.

"LA, here we come!" Dallon cheered, pushing his dark shades over his eyes.

"Yea, baby!" Brendon cheered, kicking his feet up on the dashboard.

I looked over at Patrick. He was looking out the front windshield, until he noticed my stares. I smiled at him, making him smile back.

"I love you." I mouthed silently to him.

"I love you more." He mouthed just as silently back. He slid his hand across the empty seat between us and I grabbed it, holding on tightly.

I loved him so much...


A few hours into the trip and Ryan was leaning on Patrick, asleep. Brendon was leaning against the window, drooling on the door slightly as he slept. Dallon and Patrick were the only ones awake.

"How's he been, Pat?" Dallon asked his old friend, peaking back at the couple in the rearview mirror.

Patrick looked at the sleeping boy on his shoulder. He was just so peaceful when he slept. Patrick hoped he couldn't feel the pain of his sickness when he slept... Although, some nights he could hear Ryan crying from it. Ryan never admitted it, but he still hurt.

"He's holding up." Patrick finally replied, "He's a fighter..."

"What about you?" Dallon asked.

Patrick looked up into the direction of the front seat. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Pat." Dallon said, softly. "About what happened in Chicago..."

"I'm over what happened in Chicago." Patrick replied, "He reached his limit and... And his time ran out. I came back because my cancer was gone. Sure, so was an eye, but I deal."

"I'm just checking on you." Dallon said, "I worry... I still remember the phone call."

Patrick looked down, knowing exactly which phone call Dallon was speaking of. It was just before he came back to Vegas. Honestly, something he wished he could forget.

Dallon began to fiddle with the radio in an attempt to lighten the mood. He finally settled on and Ed Sheeran song playing softly.

Patrick smiled. He knew this song. So, he began to sing along in a quiet tone.

Give a little time to be

Or burn this out

We'll play hide and seek

To turn this around

All I want, is the taste that your lips allow!

My my, my my

Give me love...

My my, my my

Give me love...

When he trailed off with the song, he kissed Ryan's head before leaning his own against the sleeping boy's. "Give me love..." He muttered, taking Ryan's hand in his own.

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