The Date

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Rebecca pov :
Ooh my god what am I going to wear I have nothing to wear
*throwing all of my chothes out of the closet looking for the perfect outfit *
I khow im acting like a typical girl but I want to look hot for the date . I want him to look at me and say waoooh
but I don't even know where we are going .
I guess im gonna text him and ask him what I should I wear
(text messages :
R: hey kian , what should I wear for are date ?
K: Just were something casual babe
R: ok thanks im really exited  for today                                                       see you soon.😉
Did he just called me babe omg how is this happening to me I think im about faint or something .
Focus Rebecca we need to find the perfect outfit
I know im gonna wear  my favorite fannel with a black croptop some nice short jeans and of course my black converse im goanna straighten my hair and a little bit of makeup .
I look at my phone and its 8:00
OH SHIITT he is going to be here any minute now
ooh god pleas help , let alone nothing bad happen's today pleass
I here someone khocking at the front door
REBECAA there's someone here for you *my mom screams*
okay ill be down in a sec *I answer my mom *
ok Rebecca get your shit together his here act normal
I take deep breath and start walking downstairs all I see is Kian looking at me with his beautiful dark brown eyes and his amazing smile .

Kian pov :
I knocked on her door
I was really nervous I felt like I was going to screw this up or do something that makes her think im weird or crazy
all thought I know im both of things but she can't find out on the first date I need to calmdown
Her mom opened the door and let me go inside
When I looked Rebecca was walking down the stairs . She looked beautiful as always
I starred at her ,lost in her eyes , smiling and drooling a little bit. For moment it felt we were in a romantic movie.
R:Are you ready ? She asked me
K:yeah lets go *I instantly grabbed her hand
R:So where were going ?
K: First I got you something I pulled out of my backpack a tied penny board
R: OMG its so beautiful but there's one problem ids how to use it.
Don't worry ill show you
we got in to my car and started to drive to the skate park .
I was trying to keep my eyes on the road but the wind was hitting her and she was singing one call away by Charlie puth .  I was so distracted because she sings so beautiful so I decided to join her . We were jamming out together in my car and people where giving faces from there cars like:
should we help them they look totally crazy .
I love that I can be myself around her and I don't feel embarrassed

Rebecca pov
Kian is so sweet he booth me a penny board and now were going to the skate park but
there's one problem I really don't know how to skate im really not that athletic also im really clumsy so im probably going to fall on my ass a lot but
maybe ill get lucky and fall in to Kian arms ,  may God help me
so we had a really cute,car ride to the skate park we sang our Hearst out to my favorite song one call away by Charlie Puth
Kian has a really incredible voice ids why he would hide it
I felt so comfortable around him Idk why I just met him I can't be falling already
We made it to the skate park there was only a few people
okay lets go: kian said
I gave him a little smile, thinking to myself
here we go im gonna fall on my ass like a 100 time .
yayy can wait * I answered nervously
Rebecca don't worry you have a wonderful teacher * kian said*
yeah really cute too*I answered him*
Kian started to give me  instructions so that I can penny board he told things like, put this feet before the other so you have enough strentgh to push yourself and if you think your going to fall put your hands first
While he was telling me all of the does and don't , some girls where looking at us laughing but one girl was looking at me straight in my eyes and I could tell she mad furious you can tell because her hands where in fist also  one of the girls was holding her arm .
I decided to ignore it because I don't khow the girl and how could she possibly be pissed at me if I don't even khow her .
I was about to give it my first try, kian was a few feet in front of me and I started to ride towards him I was halfway there Kian had his arm wide open to catch me incase a fall I was a few inches away from his strong arms thinking  this  myself is so easy , I can do this and im not goona fall.
When out of nowhere a skateboard came flying to my face hitting me so far hard that I fell to the floor feeling dizzy because of the impact Kian came running to me he put me in his arms .
OMG Rebecca are you OK?   * he asked  *
I was so dizzy because I had no clue of what I was saying
I started touching Kian hair saying dumb stuff like
you have beautiful eyes
And your jawline is so sexy *while touching his face*
KISS ME!!!!!
WHAT? Kian said in a  very surprised and confused voice
I said kiss me baby
okay I need to take you to the hospital *Kian said *
why im finee I said while I was snapping my fingers .
Then the  girl from early that was looking at me like I killed her dog , came close to Kian and apologies for hitting with the skateboard
YOU!!! kian said     while looking at girls face
He got really mad when he saw the girl
Lets go * he picked me up bridal style *  the girl just starred at me laughing while Kian carried me to the car
Kian who was that girl * I asked in a baby voice *
Don't talk you don't khow what you're saying im on my way to the hospital just try to rest * he told me *
I fell asleep on my way there
I woke up in a bed looking around and I was finally coming back to my senses
remembering all the stupid stuff I said to Kian
OMG im so embarrassed
I asked him to kiss me I sure screwed up now
Kian was sleeping in one of those really uncontrollable hospital chairs
A nurse came into the room
Oh good your awake you can leave now you don't have any internal skull damage just be sure to put some ice in your head bump * She said *
mum okay * I told her*
and tell your boyfriend that he snores really bad maybe he want to check that out * she added *
He is not my boyfriend * I corrected her *
Well he stayed there there all night worried sick asking all the nurses when were you going to wake up and besides  he is super cute * she said while leaving the room *
Why would he say that he so cute can she see that here with me what if I was actually his girlfriend wait what why am I acting like the typical jealous girlfriend I need to stop
and who was that girl ?

Authors note:
I finnaly updated hope you like it pleas vote and follow me it means a lot
And I love reading the comments also my friend Stefany help me in this chapter so go follow her she is going to publish a book real soon @Stefany_4050

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