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As we sat on the bus together Bunni got more talkative.
"So why are you transferring? Did you move?" He asked.
I shook my head "I got kicked out of another school."
His eyes widened "Ohmigah are you a bad ass!?" He practically squealed. 
I laughed and rolled my eyes "Not even close" I told him then I explained the reason for me getting kicked out.
Once I was done with my story Bunni frowned "You don't believe in angels or demons?"
I shook my head "You?"
His face lit up "Yep, I'm a satanist."
My eyes grew wide "So you kill animals and sacrifice them to Satan??"
He laughed "What? No! It's against my religion to! Satanists don't kill animals unless for food or to protect yourself."
"Oh" was all I could say.
Now I felt stupid.
Luckily for me the ride was almost over so Bunni was more worried looking out the window for friends then to lay more facts on me.
As soon as the buss stopped I practically ran off.
Bunni caught up to me before I got to the school doors "If you want I can introduce you to my friends."
I smiled politely at him.
I suddenly felt like he'd be the type of person to correct everything someone said wrong.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the school and towards a tree where two people sat.
The one was a girl with short black hair and she had on a really baggy MCR shirt and the other was a girl with brown hair who had on a black dress.
They both smiled.
"Hey Bunni!" The brown haired one yelled as she hugged him tightly and the black haired on smiled politely at me "I'm Dan, and you?"
I smiled back "Snow."
The brown hair one smiled "That's such a goth name! Is it your actual given name?"
Bunni swatted the back of her head "Quinn, you don't say that!" He scolded.
I laughed "It's fine, and it's my given."
Suddenly a group of people walked by but a blonde girl stopped and looked at Dan "Hey Daniel. Still pretending to be a girl? You do know you're going to burn in hell for that right?"
Dan quickly coward from the girl and Bunni stepped between them "Really Liz? That's awesome! Can I go to hell too??"
The girl gave him a face of disgust "Fucking Satan worshippers" she growled then stormed off.
Bunni turned to Dan "Danny, she's just mad okay?"
The tiny girl nodded slowly as tears fell.
"Why'd she say Daniel?" I couldn't help but ask.
Quinn sighed "Dan's trans. Is that a problem to you?"
I quickly shook my head.
Quinn smiled "Good, and your thoughts on gays?"
I shrugged "It's up to them. I'm straight but if you're gay then good for you."
Quinn smiled happily "Well then I shall say the news in front of you too."
Bunni turned to her "Good news?"
She grabbed Dan's hand and smiled brightly "We're together!!"

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