Where's Stefan?

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•Mystic Falls, Present Day•

After my little talk with Damon, I went downstairs to see if I could find Stefan, but instead I found nothing. Besides Anna and Jeremy arguing about something that I probably shouldn't get involve in. 

Out of boredom, I listen to what was going on upstairs, until I heard Elena's voice. "I know about the blood, Stefan."

My eyes widen, Stefan was upstairs with Elena. Then I heard him chuckle, "I was going to tell you."

"When?" Elena questioned.

"I'm fine." Stefan told her, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. The blood, it doesn't change anything."

"It's changing you."

"Why, because I kept it a secret from you?" Stefan snapped. "Come on, Elena. Look, given the way that you're reacting right now, can you really blame me for doing that?"

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" Elena asked. "You've been stealing blood and lying, and you say that everything's fine? Everything's not fine, Stefan."

Stefan scoffed, "So what, so you and Damon all of sudden have everything figured out then?"

"It's not about Damon. It's about what's happening to you."

"I know, and I'm telling you that I'm fine. I'm fine." Stefan paused. "Please, come on." He begged. "Elena, I thought you... I thought you believed in me."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, distrusting their conversation. "Elena? Let's go. The lineup's starting." Mrs. Lockwood told her.

"I just need a minute." Elena replied.

"You're not even dressed yet." Mrs. Lockwood paused. "Escorts wait downstairs Stefan."

I heard the door close and tried to listen to Stefan's footsteps to follow him, but quickly lost him. "Dammit." I mumbled underneath my breath.


I was by the stairs watching all of the girls slowly come down the stairs wearing now their beautiful dress when they called for Elena's name and Stefan was nowhere in sight. I heard her slowly come down the stairs and I light pushed Damon forward because I didn't want her to embarrass herself and he knew the dance. He looked back at me and I smiled.

"Help her." I mouthed and he gave me a small nod telling me he would do it. He quickly walked over to where the other escort was at and stood proud waiting for her to touch the bottom step.

Once she was at the bottom, he took her hand and walked her out to the court yard and lined up with the other couples.

Then the music started and I began to watch the two dance. While watching them, it seemed like 1864 again, except it wasn't Stefan nor Katherine. Although my mind began to merge the pass event to now, and now I saw Katherine instead. Katherine looked back at me and smirked, that when I knew I had to get out of there.

I quickly got pass the large crowd and quickly found myself outside. I quickly sat down on the closest chair, and I sighed in relief while rubbed my temple. How is it possible for her to have so much power over me? Even when I know she isn't messing with my head.

"I want to kill you." I heard a very faint Stefan in the distance and my head shot up. "I want to rip into your skin, and I want to feed on your blood. Under your skin, pulsating, flowing." I slowly began to stand up from the bench. "Your carotid artery, right there. If you puncture this just right, you can control the blood flow. It takes practice, but it doesn't have to make a mess. You don't have to waste any." Stefan explained to his poor victim.

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