The Mystrious Hedgehog

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One sunny afternoon Sonic, Shadow and Silver are taking a stroll around the streets of Central City, when suddenly the three hedgehogs heard the sound of something falling and two voices screaming at each other.....

Sonic: Whoa! What was that?!?!

Shadow: Don't know, Don't care.

Silver: Well, we should at least check it out.

Sonic: Yeah, good thinkin' Silv.

Sonic and Silver are racing to where the sounds coming from, with Shadow fallowing in a non-interested way close behind them

Shadow: Why me? *facepalms*

When the three hedgehogs arrived at the scene they were a bit shock that the building standing before them was a building they've never seen before. With one look at each other, they nodded and went to open the door which was surprisingly unlocked. When they went inside they heard the two voices again and went to investigate.....

Shadow: Man, this place gives me the creepys...

Sonic: Afraid of the dark are we Shadow? *said with a smug look*

Shadow: No, its just that we've been through this place so many times, that's its a bit unsettling that we've never seen this place.

Sonic: yea, whateves

Silver: Shh, I think someone's coming.

???: Awwwwwww. Stop hitting me for bout 5 seconds please!

???2: Nope!

???: But it's not fair! you don't explain the controls to me, which makes me automatically lose.

???2: You'll figure it out.

???: ........ Douche....

???2: what did you just say?

???: you heard me!


???2: thats what you get!

Three hedgehogs crept up slowly to the room that they heard the voices, and sure enough, there was someone there.Though the room was in total darkness the could make out the outline of a hedgehog, looks sorta like Sonic, but has a few quills sticking out from his forehead, they could just make out the colour of the hedgehog which seemed to be red, sitting front of a tv playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and with a headset w/ a mic plugged in his ear......

Silver: Why is there only one person here? I thought i heard two people?

???: STOP SCREAMING DIRECTLY INTO THE MIC! It's hurting my earballs!

Sonic: Earballs? WTF is that?

Shadow: Don't know, don't care.

???: *sighs loudly* hold on, I need a break, I'll be back in sec....

the mystery red hedgehog gets up and is walking towards the hall leading to the kitchen, exactly where Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were*

Sonic: SHHHH just move away slowly....

*zzzt zzzt*

Silver: Shadow turn that off he'll notice us!

Shadow: I'm trying......

???: Huh?....... I could've sworn i heard something... All well must be imaging shit now from not sleeping very well... *shrugging his shoulders and continued to the kitchen*

Sonic, Shadow, Silver: Phew....

Sonic: i don't get it I've always been in Central City and know and seen everyone, but i don't know this guy.

Shadow: How bout before we worry how he came here lets find out who he is.

Silver: I gotta agree with Shadow

Sonic: Ok. but how?

Shadow: Why dont we-

???: Ummmm.... Hiiiiii..... what are you doing in my house?

Sonic: ummm uh umm....

Shadow: *sigh* We heard shouting and something falling and we came to investigate.

???: oh ok then... There's nuthin' to be worried about here though....

Silver: Oh yea! By the way i never seen you before around here, mind telling us your name?

???: Oh, yea forgot. I'm Rubyn Striker, but you guys can call me Ruby if you like.

Sonic: Nice to meet Ruby, I'm Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog. These two are my friends Shadow and Silver.

When three hedgehogs and Rubyn got acquainted, they began to question Rubyn bout where he came from, why they haven't seen him before, but sadly no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find any clear answer to their questions....

Sonic: So let me get this straight, you forgot how you got here, and you've heard of Central City but never been here?

Rubyn: Yea, pretty much. I usually warp to other worlds if Neuro City is after something from that world. And I know I didn't warp here on myself...

Shadow: Well, i just got a message from GUN apparently Eggman is attacking a street not to far from here.

Sonic: Alright, You guys ready to go kick some robot ass?

Silver & Shadow: ready!

Rubyn: Well they're gone now, guess i'll go back to playin' my Brawl then.

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