21| and a shot a paranoia

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(psa: short chapter) 

hers trivia: The term "Jaci" is actually Finnish for Moon. 

The name of the man that was chasing Lana sent my insides into a frenzy. "And why are you doing that?" My voice is shakier than I intend it to be, betraying my fright.

"It's not my story to tell. If you don't mind, please be quiet for the rest of the journey. Your voice is agitating the men." I notice the tense shoulders of the goon next to me and comply. Her tone was so methodical, so robotic that it had me believe that these words didn't come from her but from her boss. General Stamos.

Who the hell was this man?

From what I remember, Lana mention he was the one who ran the Kraken Initiative and created the first Trial. He was also the man who ruined her life--and nearly annihilated the werewolf race. Apparently, he's trying to do it again by getting Lana.

"It's hard to keep quiet," I voice, ignoring the goons stiffening frames and low growls. "When you're being sent off to your death."

"He's not going to kill you," She answers immediately, her inflection leaving no room for argument. I remain quiet as the ironic sounds of Beethoven's Cello Sonata no.3 blasted through wired speakers. The Kraken agents had extraordinarily exaggerated breathing patterns and in two minutes I already wanted to pull my hair out. If I knew I wouldn't die if I did this, I would have told them to shut up. That wouldn't have been the smartest plan since they just stabbed my right leg.

The pain had lessened to a throbbing, almost numb ache. I was seventy percent sure that was due to a very slow acting shock that might just spring when I least expect it. I had to admit, that was a smart fucking plan. I have no idea how they planned the car crash but it worked. Every inch of what the vehicle was is now exterminated. And the worst part is, it's covered in the scent of spilt blood. My spilt blood.

My head throbbed as I imagined Lana's hysterical face once she doesn't receive the call that I arrived in Dali. I see her rushing out, shifting again, ignoring the warnings of everyone behind her. She'll follow the directions we took till she reaches the damage site and catches a whiff off my blood. What she might do next I have no clue. I've never seen her grieve--and frankly I never want too.

I am pulled out of my pessimistic thoughts as the car comes to a stop. Jenny unstraps herself from the passenger seat and steps out of the car. The door at my feet swings open and I look up to face Jenny. "Remove him from the car," she commanded the bald Kraken agent. He grabs me roughly by the arms and throws me over his shoulder with no regard to my injured leg. The friction of the leather against my wound causes me to yelp in pain. "Quiet!" The goon rips at me.

I comply to his command and stay silent as he carries me towards a destination I cannot see. I hear the clacking of shoes on marble as I realize that we are climbing a set of steps downwards. Before I can blink, the goon drops me onto the rough earth in a careless heap. I land straight on my ass while dust smatters against my senses. Coughing and whoosing away the sand, I clear my vision to come face to face with a medium sized grey building. It wasn't anything particularly fancy or special except for the banner ahead that read: "Millbrook Mental Institute."

So this was it--the Whammy's House. A Whammy's house, I should say. It was a perfect cover, I thought. Discreet and simple. Easy to overlook in a nearly abandoned area. An image of a vulnerable, crying Lana being forced to shift flashes in my mind. My stomach lurches at the thought. "Take him to the waiting room. I'll be there shortly--I just need to tell Stamos that he's arrived."

The goons stare blankly at her and she sighs in exasperation. "Right. You barely understand human communication." She lifts her hands and makes a huge show of her instructions. "First, put Marcus in room," her index finger points towards the right. "Then go back to work." She curves her fingers and moves it in a semi-circular movement to showcase them going round the building. The former Galdoni's faces light up in understanding and the one with the Afro picks me up by the arm and drags me inside the building.

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