Chapter 11- I Can Handel It

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I awoke to the sound of snoring in my ear. I looked over to see Daryl's face buried in my long hair.

His body against mine. I felt comfort but wanted to get away. I felt almost awkward, with the redneck's touch.

I couldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. I quickly moved away and slid out of the warm sleeping bag.

I made sure Daryl was asleep before I pulled on my black clothing. Not only did I look good, but it would come in handy for cover if I needed it.

I pulled my swords over my head and left the snoring tent. I stretched my arms and legs, and turned my head, trying to stretch my neck.

I turned my head and the sharp smell of food surrounded my nostrils. I smiled and ran over to Lori, who was cooking something on the fire.

"Mmm that smells so good. What are you making?" I asked.

Lori laughed and handed me a plate. It had some kind of meat on it, with some green stuff on the side. "What is it?" I asked poking the meat with my finger.

Lori laughed. "It's squirrel and some greens we found in the forest."

I shrugged and took the fork Lori handed me. I quickly gobbled my food down and Lori picked up a basket of laundry. "Where are you going?" I asked, my mouth full of squirrel.

Lori laughed. "Laundry, wanna help?"

I nodded and shoved the rest of my food in my mouth. We went down to a tiny quarry and all the women helped out. The laundry was almost done, in complete silence till Carol spoke up.

"I miss my washer." She mumbled.

I smiled and nodded my head, totally agreeing with her statement.

Amy sighed from beside me. "I miss texting."

"I miss chocolate." I said more to myself than to the others.

Everyone chuckled in agreement, and I blushed deeply. I didn't even mean for them to hear me.

Splashing and laughter made me glance across the water. My eyes found Shane and Carl, they were trying to catch frogs for us to eat, I turned my attention back to the ladies.

"I miss my vibrator." Andrea snorted.

I burst out laughing, the most laughter I've had in a while. My stomach started to hurt after a while at Andreas clever comment. "Whats so funny?" A deep voice asked from behind, I jumped from surprise and whirled around to see Ed, smoking a cigarette and blowing the smoke in our direction.

"Just swappin' war stories Ed." Andrea responded, annoyance filling her voice.

He let out a tired laugh and stared daggers at Andrea. "Maybe if you weren't, you'd get my clothes done faster."

I frowned and narrowed my eyes and the pot-belly pig standing in front of me. Ed was a bully, all bullies needed standing up to, and that's what I was going to do.

I stood up and faced Ed, one of his shirts in my hand. "You don't like it Ed? Do it yourself." I threw the shirt at him, and he glared right at me before he threw it back. He grabbed Carols arm and I smacked his hand away instantly.

"Don't touch her." I growled. "You don't deserve Carol."

Carol was behind me trying to calm me down. Ed stared at me for a moment, hatred burning clear in his eyes.

I didn't see it coming. I hunched over, cradling my bloody nose. Ed kicked my gut, and I grunted in pain. But I wasn't going to let him win. I moved away from his next punch and grabbed his arm, pulling him off balance.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now