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Chapter twenty: Betrayal


Hermione awoke with a jolt and whipped her head side to side, she visibly relaxed when she saw that she was just in the medical wing.

"Thank goodness your awake! You were out for a while, six days to be exact." Madame Lofe said. She smiled up at the women and sat up slowly, her throat felt extremely dry.

"Drink up." Madame Lofe said handing her a cool glass of water. Hermione greedily took it and chugged all of it down.

She looked around and noticed no sign of Tom. Noticing her disappointment Madame Lofe smiled at her. "He was here every day since you've been petrified, I had to lock him out so he would get something to eat."

Hermione felt herself smile gently, he was always so stubborn. The dark lord caring about a muggleborn she thought. How ironic.

"When will I be able to leave Madame?" Hermione asked.

"If you'd like you could leave right now, but if you feel ill please come straight back."

"Of course, thank you." Hermione said smiling before getting up, and after changed into some fresh robes, Madame Lofe offered her.

After leaving the medical wing Hermione rushed down the hall and noticed that it was already late afternoon maybe around five. So that meant that all the students would be in the great hall eating their supper. Hermione picked up her pace desperate to see her friends and...Tom. She suddenly slammed face first into a hard chest, feeling extremely embarrassed she apologised quickly.

"Watch where your go-Hermione?"

Hermione immediately looked up when she heard the familiar hoarse voice. Tom stood before her in shock.

He suddenly crushed her into an embrace, she squealed in surprise and embarrassment. "I missed you...." Tom whispered.

Hermione sighed and hugged Tom back equally as tightly. She pulled back and took his face in her hands and touched her lips to his, his breath caught in his throat but he didn't hesitate to return the affection.

As she parted from him, Tom looked deeply into her eyes and for a moment they flashed red, she didn't know if she imagined it or not. Immediately Hermione recoiled and wriggled out of his embrace in fear. A memory of Voldemort flashed passed her eyes.

"Hermione?" Tom questioned worriedly he took a step closer to her, but Hermione took another step back. "What's wrong with you." Tom hissed angrily his eyes flashing that terrible red again.

"Hermione?" Came a soft voice from behind her, she turned around to see Harold and Daniel staring at her in disbelief and also suspicion towards Tom.

Harold turned his vision on Tom, his eyes narrowed. " Don't you dare hurt her Riddle." Harold said raising his wand at Tom.

Tom sneered "Put your wand down Potter your not going to do anything with it."

Harold's glare harden. "Believe me Riddle I will."

"Just leave her alone Riddle she doesn't want to be around you right now, who knows you could've been the one to attack her!" Daniel said bluntly and Hermione cringed realising how much he sounded like Ron right now.

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