#18 First Kiss (omg)

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Two weeks before our final year project and a month before our final year camp. And after all these, we still have our leaving examinations to study for before we graduate and get the hell out of here.

As much as I am excited to leave and never come back, I really don't feel like going through all of these. Besides, I haven't really decided what I should do after graduation.

I sighed and threw the pen I had between my fingers on my bed. Calum and Ashton was supposed to meet me in my house for our Literature project and they are an hour late. This is probably Calum's fault; I have yet to tell him about my non-existent feeling for Ashton and I'm afraid he might come up with another plan to get us together, perhaps.

A minute later, there were loud knocks at the door and I got up from my bed and went downstairs. If it isn't Calum and Ashton behind that door, I will murder them. Fortunately for them, they arrived with huge smiles on their faces, a few boxes of pizza and bottled drinks.

"Sorry, we went to buy some food." Ashton apologised and I let the two of them inside.

Why was I mad at them again?

They jumped on the couch and placed all the stuff on the table. I was about to close the door when Calum spoke up.

"Don't close the door yet! Michael is coming." He casually said and turned on the television.

"What?" I raised my voice and turned towards the two.

"He asked what I'm doing and I invited him." He answered me calmly, not bothered that I practically shouted at  him.

"Calum, you do know that we are here to do a project, right?" I enunciated every keyword just in case he is too much of an idiot to understand.

Yes, it seemed unreasonable to get angry just because he invited one person but Michael isn't just one person. When you invite Michael, it feels like you invited 10 people.

"I know. He'll just sit here and we'll be in your room -- doing our project!" He tried to calm me down by gesturing towards the food.

"Sorry, Eliza. We'll promise to complete our project after we finish our food so c'mon." Ashton apologised again and gave a lopsided grin.

I sighed again and jumped into the couch next to Calum. There was nothing much I could do anyway. A few minutes later, Michael arrived and we started chatting and wolfing down our pizza.

"This is fun. We should do this more often." Michael said in between bites of his pizza this time.

"Except, we are actually here to do our project." I replied and I could almost hear multiple sighs of agony. Eliza; always ruining the moment since the 90's.

"You know, Eliza, you are very, very beautiful but very annoying." Calum shot back and my cheeks started flaming up.

I didn't say anything after that and even when I tried to nothing came out. I've never been able react normally when someone says something like that. Beautiful? Since when?

"That ought to shut you up. Works every single time." Calum added with a smug smile.

"Wow, I can't believe you said that," I spat, "You are such an asshole."

I ignored everyone and went up the stairs to my room and locked the door. I was overwhelmed with fury and worst of all, I felt genuinely hurt. He only complimented to get me to shut up so it isn't true, whatever he said. I didn't understand why but it feels like my heart has dropped down to my stomach.

"Eliza. Open the door." Calum's voice could be heard from outside and I could also hear him trying to turn the knob.

I was uncertain whether to just let him be or open the door but I decided on the latter. Besides, we have a project to work on and I can't delay this just because of something like that. Although it wasn't just 'something' to me.

I sighed for the hundredth time today and opened the door to let him in. He looked down at me and guilt was written all over his face.

"El, I am incredibly sorry. I didn't think you'd get angry like this." He stood on the threshold of my room.

"Angry?," I laughed pathetically, "I'm not angry. I totally understand why you'd say that."

"Stop lying. I know you're angry and I came to clarify that, before, I wasn't kidding when I said that." He replied.

"Said what?" I asked but I wasn't looking at him, I was too nervous.

"That you're beautiful. Very and incredibly beautiful." He answered softly, perhaps so the boys downstairs couldn't hear him.

Now, I had my eyes on his and there was nothing but sincerity in them. Again, I could feel my cheeks heating up I couldn't care less because there was too much intensity between us. Slowly, but carefully, he leaned in and his nose touched mine. There was a small gap between our lips and then there was none. My best friend, has his lips on mine (just like the dream from last time) but this time, I think I may like this feeling.


they finally kissed! it took me 18 chapters to make them kiss ( & about 2 years sorry :/) thanks to all the books that i've ever read for the knowledge on how a kiss is described lol & if u've enjoyed this vote & comment ty !

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