Not now (c.g)

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He was very quiet. He had barely said a word to you since he had arrived, but the expression on his face told you everything. His eyes were tired, sad and disappointed. His beautiful smile was gone, replaced by a depressing frown. He kept his head down as the two of you pushed through the crowd, your hand firmly wrapped in his. Once the two of you were safely in the car, the silence from your boyfriend was unbearable. "Carl, say something." He started the car, pulling out of the parking lot. "Carl..." you pleaded. "What do you want me to say (Y/N)?" He finally spoke, anger and sadness mixed in his words. "My girlfriend just tried to kill herself... there's nothing to say." He finished, getting quiet once again. You lowered your head. "Okay..." Another awkward silence spread through the car as he drove down the highway. But suddenly, he pulled the car over, turning it off and hiding his face in his hands. You hadn't really taken a moment to think about how this would affect Carl. But as you watched him in his vulnerable state, you finally realized you weren't the only one affected by this. His sobs were painful to listen to. You watched and listened helplessly, his cries growing louder. He forcefully unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, slamming the door shut. You didn't follow him, you just watched his fist fly down on the hood of the car. His anger wasn't towards you, it was towards himself for not noticing earlier. There was nothing you could do or say that would make this better. Not right now.

I make too many Carl imagines but don't worry I have other people next

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