Chapter Eighteen

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Liran followed Adina to her patient's house. Walking briskly along the quiet path through the tree-sheltered community he felt at home in her calm presence.

"He has terrible nightmares, and suffers from panic attacks. I was just called over now because when he woke today, he starting screaming and his wife is worried. I've been following his illness for a while, and I'm afraid I'm at a loss. Physically, he doesn't have anything wrong with him, but he dreams of a powerful spirit who tells him he must do evil things."

They took a path that branched off from the main trail. It was overgrown as if people seldom passed that way, with the forest encroaching, making the way difficult.

"His wife also complains that his personality has changed."

Liran raised an eyebrow at this. It reminded him of Rainna.

"It could be a psychic neurosis--a mental affliction--rather than a physical one"

"Yes, I thought the same, but it doesn't appear to be one of the typical kinds we know of."

She led him to a small house deep in the woods.

"I'm not sure if I can offer any help, Adina, but I will observe."

It was common for the village Marulan to engage with a visiting healer, since they often worked alone and had few opportunities to share their knowledge. When Liran came by, though, the local Marulan was even more eager to speak with him, for it was widely known that Liran held unusual knowledge of healing techniques. Marulan even came from Kalad to learn from him.

Inside, the place was dim. The patient was haggard from lack of sleep, but his eyes were wide with terror. He trembled uncontrollably as he sat in his bed.

"I hate this spirit," the man said to Adina, "but I'm terrified I won't be able to resist the urge to follow the instructions he gives me."

Adina leaned toward him.

"Look who I've brought to have a look at you." She patted his arm for reassurance. "Prince Liran was in the area on business, and I was fortunate he was able to assist me." Finally the man's gaze left Adina and shifted to Liran. It worried Liran that the man looked so hopeful at seeing him.

The man covered his head with his blanket and cried out. "I haven't done anything, My Lord, I promise. I don't want to hurt anyone." He curled up in the corner of his bed, hiding under the covers. "I tell the spirit I don't want to do it, but he won't listen. He says I have no choice." Adina uncovered his head.

"I just want to sleep without being disturbed." Tears began to run down his cheeks. He looked exhausted.

Liran was touched by this man's plight. He knelt beside the bed so his face was level with the man's. What should he do?

"Will you share what you see with me? Can you show me in my mind? Perhaps, if I can see what it is that plagues you, I might be able to help."

"I can't think about it, it's too horrible!" The man covered his face again.

"I know it troubles you greatly, but if you do this, I might be able to help you, perhaps even make it stop."

The man peered out from his covers, looking tempted but still fearful.

Liran pulled up a chair and sat down beside the man and slipped off his gloves. He waited for a sign the patient was ready to proceed.

"If you think you can help..." The man relaxed a little.

Liran opened the man's shirt to expose his chest, and placed one hand on his bare skin. For a brief moment, Liran saw himself through the eyes of the other man. It was always disorienting, but the sensation passed quickly.

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