Chapter 5: The Hire...

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I made it home exactly in thirty minutes. Farrah had seen me downstairs as I was rushing out of the elevator. She was surprised to see me there until I told her I had just had the interview. She was so happy and Prayed that I would get the job.

Walking inside by myself after I convinced her not to come inside because Manny was most likely asleep she left with a worried look on her face. I didn't tell her about the phone call I had received from him after the interview. She would have flipped out on him and I really didn't want them to get into it as they always did when they were around each other.

Unlocking the door I took a deep breath and Prayed he would be asleep. Opening it then closing it quietly behind me I notice how quiet it was. I exhaled the breath I was holding and headed to the kitchen until I was slammed on the wall hard hitting my head against it.

"Where the F**K were you? Huh?" Manny screamed in my face as he had his hand around my neck.

"I...I told y-you. I-I had a j-job interview..." I stuttered holding on to his wrist to try and pull it away from my neck.

"You never f'ing told me you had a job interview why the f**k are you lying to me?"

"I'm n-not Manny...I swear! They called me before I left work...they wanted to interview me at 3 o'clock so I went. I'm...I'm so sorry. I forgot to call you...please!" I begged hoping he would release my throat.

He glared at me for a few seconds then leaned down to my ear. "Let it be the last time you don't call me and let me know where the f**k you are going to be! When I expect you home, your ass better come straight home! Do you hear me?" he gritted causing me to whimper.

"Y-yes...I promise Manny. I'm sorry." I tell him trying not to cry. He hates it when I cry.

He stared at me for a few more seconds then let go of my throat. "Make me dinner. I'm hungry!" he snapped then left me to go to our bedroom slamming the door behind him.

I stayed leaning against the wall for a few minutes rubbing the back of my head. It throbbed so I had to take some Tylenol for the headache but at least my head wasn't bleeding like last time.

Now I had to make Manny dinner before he actually hits me...


After making dinner for Manny, he came out of his room and ate gaving Kalene the silent treatment. That was his way of letting her know that he was disappointed and pissed of at her. In a way, she was fine with it since she didn't want him to threat or scream at her.

Packing his things so he could go to work he finally spoke to her. "I will be pulling a double so don't expect me home until the following day."

"Okay...well be careful and I will see you when you get home." she says going to hug him but he took a step back and grabbed his things. Kalene was disappointed but masked it with a small smile.

"Bye." he says leaving her standing there. Once he was out the door, she wiped a tear away and decided to go take a shower so she could start some of her assignments for her classes.

In front of the bathroom mirror she noticed that the bruise on her face had faded but now she had finger print marks around her neck.

"Great!" she exclaimed examining it. At least she could leave her hair down so it wouldn't be seen.

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