Chapter Forty Six

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"Unbelievable, we invite them to the wedding celebration and no one shows up!" Marnie crossed her arms and shook her head. "I don't understand people. You know how much crap we got for that!"

"Marnie, I'm certain everyone is running late for a reason." Cedric reassured her calmly.

"Two hours late? Cedric? No owl or anything? It's not like they are twenty minutes late...and it's everyone."

"Well not parents are here." he smiled.

"Cedric, they live here. They had no choice but to be on time."

"I'm sure there is a reason behind it, Marnie. Let's just give it a bit and then we'll head to Ellie's flat to see what's going on."

"It better be a bloody damn good excuse."

"So how do we go about this?" Eleanor asked out loud breaking the silence that had fallen over everyone.

All eyes fell on her as the Wagner family had been the ones being stared at for the longest.

"Staring at Judith's family isn't going to help anyone." Eleanor said."We can't just sit here and wait for one of them to be possessed. It's not going to solve anything."

"Ellie's right." Fred said. "We can't do anything to the person really once they are possessed without hurting that person. So we have to figure this out before it happens again."

"But how is the question?" Remus said. "I agree as well, but the real question is how are we going to go about this considering the only people who have access to that world is..." he looked to the Wagner family.

"There is a system of blocking it." Judith's grandmother, Bethany spoke up. "But it just requires the mind being in a positive state at all times, and focused on staying in control."

"It's like an inner patronus." Harry spoke up finally. "Voldemort is feeding off of negative energy almost like a in order to block him, it would take a positive mind a patronus."

"Good way of putting it Harry." Nixie said patting his bed. "But the blocking is only temporary, everyone gets into a bad mood, it's human nature. We can't rely on them all holding a happy demeanor twenty-four-seven. I would think they would have gone mad by that time."

"Alright," Sirius cut in, " we all agree that the mind blocking will be a temporary let's get to the permanent solution. It's going to have to involve trapping or destroying whatever is left of Voldemort in the spirit world."

"We don't know how to do that." Judith said.

"Judith's right, I'm the one with the most experience and even I don't know how to do that." Bethany said.

"Maybe it's not us who can do it from this side." Eleanor pointed out. "Maybe we need to get help from the other side. If you were able to contact my mother, wouldn't you be able to contact someone else like perhaps...Dumbledore?"

"I didn't contact your mother, Ellie. She contacted me." Judith frowned. "It's really hard to get into contact with a spirit because we don't know if they've crossed over at the time. We can get into Limbo, but no further. If we can't contact them in Limbo then we have to wait until they get a hold of us."

Ron mumbled something to Harry, but Harry frowned and shook his head.

"What? What were you two talking about?" Molly asked.

"The Resurrection Stone, I was thinking that perhaps Harry still had it. It helped him summon spirits...didn't it? That would have been our direct line to bring a spirit forward."

"Where is the Resurrection Stone now?" George asked Harry.

"I...threw it away from me when I was in the Forbidden Forest...hoping that it would just stay there and no one would be tempted to use it again." Harry admitted.

"Couldn't we just use Accio to summon it?" Ginny pondered out loud.

"It wouldn't work." Harry said. "If Accio would have worked on the stone don't you think it would have been a lot easier for Voldemort to get his hands on it? "

The more solutions the group began to bring up the more barriers they hit. It seemed everyone was growing frustrated with the lack of solutions.

Eleanor focused on a thread of her jumper before catching Fred's eyes. The look on his face suggested that he knew what she was getting at.

Of course, if the knitted wear worked, it would of course be temporary as the family couldn't wear something knitted, every second of the day.

Everyone was still highly suspicious of the Wagner family, not knowing if they were possessed without anyone knowing. Eleanor met Judith's eyes to see that the woman appeared terribly upset with how everything played out. It wasn't like they had control over the gift that was presented upon them.

"Why don't we all take a break from this just for a little bit before we all end up going mental?" Molly suggested. " I'll make something for everyone to eat."

Eleanor stood outside with Fred, her hands resting on her hips as she realized that she had completely forgotten about Cedric and Marnie's wedding celebration.

"Merlin, I feel like such a horrible friend right now." she sighed.

"I think they will be perfectly understanding once they find out what happened, if they haven't already."

Eleanor nodded hoping he was right. "I don't know if knitting is going to get us out of this situation...did you happen to tell her about the knitting when she came into the shop?"

Fred glanced back inside to where Judith's grandmother sat on the sofa. "No. I only said it repelled against the elements of weather. I didn't explain how it worked or even if Voldemort was trying to snoop for information, he didn't learn anything new."

"Well there's one positive." she said before leaning against the side of the home. "I thought this was all over. I thought we were just going to be happy and get on with our lives. The only stressor in our lives being wedding planning and fighting your mother to wear pajamas. But we can't even have that, can we?"

Fred walked over and stood in front of her.

"Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you, Ellie. Nothing."

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