Sorry Mr. Hollywood, Not Interested (Chapter 8)

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Ch. 08

I tripped and went flying head first to the ground, until Trenton caught me. At least, I think it was Trent. It could have been some creepy hobo guy who was taking me out to the middle of the woods to steal my clothes and then skin me and use my skin for blankets, and my insides for his food, and my bones to build his house and—

“What are you thinking about?” Trent’s voice cut into my nightmare, saving me from horrible thoughts. He was slowly leading me with one hand holding my elbow tightly, and the other with his hand pressed against my back, just waiting for my clumsy fall.

“N-nothing,” I stuttered, clearly embarrassed. I felt my cheeks flame up and cursed silently once his finger grazed against my cheek. My vision was lost because of the thick blindfold (his shirt) was tied tightly across my eyes, blocking any sight I had. I held my hands tightly to my side, tempted to rip off the blindfold and stare at his chest. I’ve seen his abs a few times after the interview, but only on the internet. I couldn’t help my type his name swiftly over the keyboard, and here the clicking as if it was music to my ear.

I was nervous, the answer to me frantically biting my lip waiting for his musical voice to tell me to take off my blind fold, and witness something beautiful, like his voice. Technically, now that I though about it, I didn’t even know where he was taking me. In California, there are a hundred different places that could strike a guys interest. I hope he wasn’t taking me to one of those men’s’ sports bar and showing me who his favorite team was. Sports are totally not my thing.

“Where are we going?” I asked impatiently. My thoughts were killing me. Literally.

“Not much longer.” He whispered as he pulled me up onto something. Finally, a minute and a half later, we stopped. It was quiet for a minute as Trent was let alone with his thoughts. I sat down and quietly waited as the silence continued.

“Take your blindfold off.” His hoarse voice commanded, and I realized he had been crying what’s my eyes settled on him after doing what I was told. Red rings circled his eyes, and he was looking out over something; in the distance, lost in his memories.

I ripped my concerned gaze from him as I took notice to where we were. It wasn’t a sports bar, and I was definitely not where a hobo would be hanging around at. It was so much more and words couldn’t describe it. Red, blue, yellow, pink— flowers of  different colors were spread out all around separated by a few long grasses here and there. It was a good acre big and held more beauty then life itself.

As I looked out over the meadow, I thought, ‘This is the reason people choose to live. Things like this are what makes people smile when all they feel like doing is crying, or cry when life is at its darkest moment. Love, hatred, life, death—this field held all emotions into one small flower, then burst out once a tiny strip of sunlight hit it.’

“I come here to think sometimes. Usually it’s when I have no answer for what’s happened, or how to deal with something that’s gotten out of hand.” Trent’s voice broke through my heart felt speech. “I don’t usually talk out loud as if I was speaking to my mother, or to God. I sit here, and look up at the sky and wonder why life has to be so difficult, why fame strips a normal human being from a person, why love is so difficult.”

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