The Only Sunny Day

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"Sloane, we really have to do homework." I say, despite my brains protests. Sloane wanted to start on becoming animagi, but we needed to do homework.

"Okay, okay. Why don't we go outside, take advantage of the break in the everlasting rain." She sighs, looking at the large pile of homework.

We picked up our books and parchment, walking outside. We set up our supplies under a large oak tree.

"So what do you want to start first?" I ask.

"Potions essay on Moonstone," she states.

"Hardest first," I reply, getting my potions book out. I read the chapter on moonstone, but I'm not concentrating. I don't remember a thing that I just read. I try to read it again, but a new voice interrupts my concentration.

"Studying are you, Sloanie Baloney and her Raven friend?" A voice said from my right. Only one person called Sloane "Sloanie Baloney."

"Hello, Luke," I said without even looking up.

"What have it away, Raven?" He asks. I almost hear his grin in his excessively joking, sarcastic tone.

"I don't know. It might have been the terrible nicknames, and it might have been the self-centered demeanor that hangs around every Gryffindor." I could be sarcastic, too. I didn't actually hate all Gryffindors, but Luke and Matt sure were self-centered.

"Feisty, aren't you?" Luke replied.

Sloane cut in, "Luke, just leave Ray alone."

"Oh! That's right, your name is Ray! Well, your new nickname is Ray-ven. You get it?" Luke laughed at his own joke.

I looked up at him. With his dark brown hair and brown eyes, he didn't look like anything like his sister, but they shared certain traits, like their stubbornness and ability to laugh at themselves.

"I'm in Ravenclaw, you idiot. Of course I get it," I snapped. As nerdy as it may sound, I just wanted them to go away so that I could get a start on homework.

"Of course you're in Ravenclaw, Raven," Luke joked. He then over-exaggeratedly winked at me. I shook my head and went back to reading.

"Luke! Just go away!" Sloane yelled, tired of putting up with her annoying brother.

Like stood up, but Matt stayed, cross-legged. "Well, bye Luke," he waved, talking in the same tone that Luke had been using.

"You too, Matt Ferald!" Sloane yelled, pointing towards Matt. He stayed put.

"Idiots," I muttered under my breath, pulling out my wand. "Oppugno!" A tiny flock of yellow birds flew out of my wand, flying towards Luke and Matt.

They reached Matt first, as he was sitting right next to us. They started pecking his head, hard. He stands up and runs towards the castle, the small birds following suit. Luke had a head start, but the birds catch up to him to. That image: Matt and Luke sprinting up to the castle, hands covering their heads, which are being pecked at by a flock of tiny birds, will stay in my mind forever.

Between laughs, I managed to get out, "Don't worry, Sloane. That jinx won't cause any permanent damage. It's just meant to chase them up to the castle."

"Pity," she replied, turning back to her potions book. "They like bothering me, especially around my friends."

"You don't see the name 'Sloanie Baloney' as a form of endearment?" I joked, laughing.

I see Sloanie Baloney as a term of endearment as much as you see 'Ray-ven' as a term of endearment." She laughed.

"Whatever. I really need to get started on this Potions essay." I sighed as we both turned to our books, working until the sun dipped on the horizon.

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