21. This is War

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Setting: Civil War (obviously the movie hasn't come out yet so I'm winging it based off the trailers and whatever I want lol.)

One war, two sides to choose from.

"(Y/N)," Clint's voice approached you from behind as you fixated your gaze out of the window of the New Avengers Facility, "is everything okay?"

You shrugged, shaking your head, "Honestly, no."

Clint exhaled and joined you in front of the window, glancing at you sideways.

"How did we end up here?" You looked over at him, his lips pursed.

"Team reformed, Bruce went M.I.A., and I couldn't keep my dumb ass away." He frowned.

"No, I mean. . .how did we end up here?" You asked again, referring to the war that had seemed to break out within the past few weeks.

"Ah, this damn Superhuman Registration shit." Clint folded his arms over his chest. "I never would've thought Stark would agree with this crap, but then again, he'll do anything to make himself look good, right?"

You shrugged, thinking about how far the Avengers had come. You'd joined them halfway through the Battle of New York against Loki and his Chitauri army. Despite the differences amongst the team, you trusted each and every one of them to have your back. And now the team had fallen apart and it was hero against hero, and Bucky—a war you didn't know who would win.

"Where the hell are they? They should be back by now." You looked out of the window again, sighing.

"Don't worry, I'm sure—"

"Clint, mind if I borrow (Y/N) for a while?" Steve came in as if on cue, pulling his mask off.

The look on his face, and the fact that Bucky was not standing by his side, kicked in an awful feeling in your stomach. You and Bucky—well, you were something. No one seemed to know, including you two, but it was obvious you had feelings for each other.

Clint nodded, walking out of the room, but you paid no attention to him.

You walked towards Steve quickly, "Where is he?"

Steve sighed, "Who, Bucky? You mean he isn't here?"

"What the hell do you mean? He was with you." Your face flushed red with anger, not at Steve, but at everything that had been happening lately.

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