Cheating The Deck {4}

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I leaned my bike against the wall in the garage before leaving it. I went up the front porch and into the house, feeling starving. Being around food made me so damn hungry.

"I smell dinner," I said, entering the kitchen.

"Don't get excited about it. Jer is the one cooking tonight," Ike said.

"Fuck you; you cook!" Jer said, throwing a spoon at his head.

Ike ducked, letting the spoon fall to the floor. "I cooked the last few nights. It's someone else's turn for once."

I checked my phone as they argued, but had no new messages. I tossed my phone onto the table and moved to get myself some water.

"I still think Ace should cook. He works at a fucking restaurant," Jer grumbled.

"I'm a waiter, Jericho," I reminded. "I don't do the whole cooking thing."

"Got a new friend, Ace?" Ike asked.

I looked over and realized that my phone was in his hand. I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's not nice to snoop, Ike."

"I was wondering why you weren't wearing your beanie. You rarely take that thing off." Ike tossed me my phone.

"It was lost in a tragic one night stand," I said, checking my phone. Sure enough, there was a message from a number I didn't recognize.

Hey it's Dex. Sorry that Jack took your beanie.

"Ace lost his beanie?" Jer asked, glancing at my hair. "Better than your wallet. Moron."

"Have you ever considered anger management?" I asked him.

"We can go together," he said, turning back to the food.

"Touché," I said, texting Dex back.

I sat down with my water, feeling bored. The house had been horribly boring ever since Alexis and Micah had moved out. Having the kid around had livened things up a little bit. And Alexis was a sappy family-loving bastard, so he'd always been around to at least chat with.

My phone buzzed again. I sipped on my water as I opened the new text message.

Jack should be gone most of tomorrow. If you want to come over, we can search his room for it. I told him to give it to me but he won't.

I texted him back to let him know that I was down for that. I nearly smirked. Something told me we'd end up doing more than just searching for my beanie. Good. I hoped we fucked right on Jack's bed as revenge.


Christian appeared in the kitchen a moment later. Jer slid all of us plates of pasta, sitting down at the table with us.

"I'm going out tonight. Maybe I can snatch some wallets or purses," Ike said. There was a neighborhood nearby that he tended to lurk around and steal from people in. He had all the escape routes and hiding places memorized, and it was his go to spot to earn us a little extra cash.

"Good. Shit, who knew Alexis's shitty paycheck actually helped us so much," Jer said.

"He has a better paycheck now. He works with me," Christian reminded.

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