22. This is War (Part II)

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As you began to wake up, you were barely able to move. You laid there with your eyes closed still, trying to collect memories of what had happened. After a few seconds, you could hear a voice—Bucky's voice.

"This is his fault!" Bucky's voice was a loud whisper, as if he was trying not to wake you but his anger was getting the better of him.

The next voice you heard was Steve's.

"Keep your voice down. I don't know how much morphine she was given." Steve sighed and you could hear him pacing around the room, a habit he'd always had.

"I'll kill him, Steve. I swear." Bucky growled under his breath, the sound of his metal hand grabbing something else metal causing you to force your eyes open.

Sitting up slowly, you rubbed your eyes and looked at the two men—all of their attention now on you. Bucky had gripped the metal frame of the bed you were in so tightly that when he pulled it away, it was bent and had finger indents.

"(Y/N), how do you feel?" Bucky asked, his whole demeanor changing from aggressive to worried.

"Drugged and shitty." You frowned, your eyes moving from him to the bandages wrapped around your arm and torso. "What the hell happened?"

"Cat fight." Clint, who you hadn't even noticed sitting in the corner, spoke up, chewing on a toothpick.

"Barton," Bucky shot him a glare, but Steve's hand immediately grasped Bucky's shoulder firmly as he gave him a look.

"You fell out of a window." Steve said, pulling his hand away from Bucky as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Okay, I know I can be a bit clumsy, but—" You raised an eyebrow, the morphine taking a toll on you.

You felt exhausted and your whole body ached, but other than that you felt no pain.

"You didn't fall out of the damn window," Bucky frowned, his flesh hand taking yours. "I pushed Panther—"

"Pushed? You threw the son of a bitch like a rag doll with your robo arm, Barnes." Clint spoke up again from his chair in the corner of the room.

"You weren't even there," Bucky rolled his eyes, despite knowing that Clint was right.

"Eyes like a hawk, man. I see everything." Clint smirked, gnawing on the toothpick.

"Cut the bullshit, Clint. I told you about it." Natasha entered the room, causing your eyebrows to raise in surprise.

"Wow Nat, you've been back on the team for all of two hours and you're already cursing me." Clint rolled his eyes.

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