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All About Cancer
The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac. It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous Cancerians are to be found through the whole range of human activity. It is a fundamentally conservative and home-loving nature, appreciating the nest like quality of a secure base to which the male can retire when he needs a respite from the stresses of life, and in which the Cancerian woman can exercise her strong maternal instincts. The latter tends to like and to have a large family. 'Nest like' is an appropriate adjective for the Cancerian home, for its inhabitants tend to favor the dark, mysterious but comfortable type of house which has something of the air of a den about it, a place which belongs to the family rather than existing as a showcase to impress visitors.

That is not to say that the Cancerian is unsociable, just that for them there is a time to socialize and a time to be solitary, and this is part of the apparent contradiction in their nature. Outwardly they can appear formidable - thick-skinned, unemotional, uncompromising, obstinately tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd, intuitive and wise, sometimes with a philosophical profundity of thought verging on inspiration. Their intimates, however, may see a very different character, one with a sympathetic and kindly sensitivity to other people, especially those they love. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. They are often over-imaginative and prone to fantasy, sometimes trying to shape their lives to fit some romantic ideal. They are appreciative of art and literature, and especially of drama, where the spectacle and ebb and flow of action and feeling particularly excite them.

In their personal relationships they are mentally a mixture of toughness and softness, often emotional and romantic to the point of sentimentality in their fantasies; but in real life and in marriage, their loving is not so sentimental but tenaciously loyal. Even if they have affairs (and they may do so, for the male in particular is open to sensual stimulation), their first loyalty remains to spouse and family, of whom they regard themselves as the protector. Both the Cancerian man and woman love unreservedly, giving much and asking little in return - in fact, one of the most important lessons they have to learn is how to receive gracefully.

Cancerians have a retentive memory, particularly for emotionally laden events which they can recall in detail for years afterwards. they are strongly governed by childhood memories and since they live intensely in the past in memory and in the future in imagination, a chance meeting with someone for whom they had an unrequited love, even if they thought they had conquered the feeling, will easily rouse the emotion all over again.

Symbol: The Crab;

Element: Water;

Gemstone: Pearl;

Color: Silver;

Ruling Planet: Moon -- celestial body of moods and emotions;

Body Part: Chest, stomach;

Good Day: Helpful, patient, compassionate, nurturing, romantic, creative;

Bad Day: Gossipy, clique-y, isolated, uncommunicative, hypersensitive, overly competitive;

Likes: Gourmet meals, intramural sports, hosting parties, working with kids, museums and art galleries;

Dislikes: Tacky clothes, frozen dinners, public speaking, being rushed, paying full price, opposition, advice (good or bad);

Strength: You have an innate ability to nurture others.

Weakness: You fear the past repeating again in the future.

Secret Wish: To take care of friends and family.

Best Suited Careers: Antiques dealer, realtor, historian, nutritionist, domestic agency owner/director, baker, Internet merchant, gardener, caterer.

The Perfect Gift: The best gifts for a Cancer are collectibles or an item for the home.

How to Spot Them: Walking with their chests puffed out, round "moon-like" facial features.

Where You'll Find Them: Shopping for antiques and rare finds, creating a masterpiece with a guitar or art supplies, listening to live bands, in the kitchen.

Most Compatible Matches: Sentimental Cancer seeks safety in relationships, and is most compatible with equally security-loving signs Virgo and Taurus.

Least Compatible Matches: Cuddly Cancer is least compatible with less sensitive Fire signs Aries and Leo, and breezy Air signs Gemini and Libra.

Famous People: Meryl Streep (actress), George Orwell (writer), Gerardo Rivera (TV host), Dalai Lama XIV (religious figure), Sylvester Stallone (actor), Tom Cruise (actor), Bill Cosby (comedian), Robin Williams (comedian);

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