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Day 1

Waiting is painful. I haven't left once. I'm to scared to leave. If I leave she might wake up when I'm not there. Caspar came to visit this morning. I keep breaking down and he comforted me. I can't stop crying looking at my little sister that way makes me sick. To be honest she isn't my little sister. She is my OTHER HALF and I will always worry. I am empty without her.

Day 2

Another day waiting. Waiting. A painful thing. This is just one of the faults in our stars. Can we just sit under the stars and watch the skies. The pain, it's determined to break me. The same as for you.

Day 3

Your still asleep. I thought you might have woken up by now but you haven't. She wriggles and squirms but never opens her eyes. She screams and cried but never awakens. Just as I thought this Caspar walked in.

'Hey Mate. How's she doing?' All I do is shake my head. 'Oh. I bought you some clean clothes from the house. I'm sorry mate......' All I ever do is cry and wait now. I nod and he sighs. 'Joe you need to speak to someone. Even if it's not me. Stop cowering and live. Stop acting like your life is over. Fans are scared even though I have uploaded some of your pre-recorded videos.' I smile and nod. HHe sighs again and I put up one finger and say

'Your right but I'm still not leaving,' He sighs in relief and comes and sits on the end of my 'bed'. It's barely a bed.  He smiles and I force one. The last 3 days have been tough however it's even tougher for her.

Day 4

So roll on day 4. Another day of torture. How can some people last years of there family being a coma. HOW? I get a phone call from a number. I have started talking since last night so I can answer and talk on the phone.

Troye - HEY!

Joe - hey

Troye - wassup? I'm in England  - London to be exact - do you wanna meet up]

Joe - I'm kinda in the hospital

Troye - Joe why are you in hospital? Are you okay?

Joe - I'M fine.

Troye - Then why are you in hospital then

Joe - Kaedon

Troye - WHO?

Joe - You know. MY TWINNIE!

Troye - Why? OMG I'm coming Joe.

Joe - You don't have to

Troye - I WANT to.

Joe - ha ha. See you soon then

Troye - Bye Joe

Line Dead

Okay... It'll nice to see Troye but I'm in a state. A bad one. One that I will only get out of when Kaedon is better. When I have my other half again. Tears again.

'JOE?' I hear Troyes voice that sounds like a song. 'JOE!'

'IN HERE TROYE!' He walks in and see's my state. He looks gob-smacked. I smile but tear up again.]

'Joe. I'm sorry mate. If you don't mind Tyler is here as well.' I nod and Tyler runs in and hugs me. I chuckle at my friend's stupidness.'TILLY! Leave Joe Alone' We all laugh. My Youth.

'Troye Sing Youth Please......' He just nods and get's himself set up.  I smile at Tyler. He smiles back.

'Okay Here's Youth. For Kaedon.

What if

What if we run away

What if

What if we left today

The Self Harming Sugg - A YouTuber FanFiction *TRIGGER WARNING*Where stories live. Discover now