Fifty Shades Darker

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- She is dead – I suffered with every word – I wasn't able to save her. I'm too weak.
- You are not weak Christian. You only need knowledge of some very things. Pledge yourself to my teachings and you will be more powerful than anyone on Earth.
- I pledge your teachings – I kneel before her.
- Good....good. From now you will be known as Darth...hmm...Grey.
- Yes. Thank you my Lady. - I stood up.
-Now let the anger flow through you – she ordered – concentrate it on your pencil case.
I concentrated all my anger on this pencil case. I was surprised when it blew up.
- Good...your progress is impressive my apprentice. You're great wielder of the Force. This is power, which make you extraordinary. – she commented – Now use it on this police officers who are approaching. We haven't finished yet.
- It will be done my Lady. - I said to Elena and Force choked them as they entered.
- Good...good! Now you are ready. -she noticed.
- At last I can take back Anastasia.
- There maybe a problem. - my Lady disagreed and turned on TV.
- Who is that guy with my Anastasia!!! - I asked filled with hate. He had dark blonde hair and was wearing black costume. He had grey eyes and looked very similarly too me! Of course he wasn't as well build and handsome as me.
- He is Luke Skywalker. Terrorist and dangerous criminal but I'm sure that you'll manage to defeat him.
- Yes and I'll also destroy this traitor Anastasia! - I said determined.
-You will need it – my Lady gave me strange metal item – It's lightflogger, weapon worth Master of the Universe.
I turned it on. It was flogger alike my favorite, but made of plasma.
- Now go. Show no mercy, do not hesitate and your transformation to the Dark Side will be complete. - Elena reminded me.

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