Chapter 4

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I wanted to update sooner but i went on a mini vacation this weekend so sorry for the delay.Hope you enjoy!!


Chapter 4: Reid's P.O.V.

"I think that Amy needs to go into protective custody" I said getting frantic

"Unfortunately we would only be able to take care of her until the next killing because the Unsub's pattern says that a woman would be killed next but after that we would have no threat to her and would have to let her go back home." Hotch said

"I'll call Garcia and see if she has enough room" said Morgan then left the room to call Garcia

After a few minutes Morgan came back and said " Garcia cant do it because she has plans with Kevin this weekend and doesn't want Amy to feel awkward. But, I think pretty boy might have some extra room in his apartment" he said and winked at me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as the rest of the team agreed with Morgan. 

" The rest of you go home. its been a long day and we need sleep if we want to catch this man" Hotch said as the everyone got up. I saw Morgan smirk as I left the room to get Amy as I could only imagine the day that she had.

              Amy P.O.V.

I was finally starting to drift off when i heard the door open and almost fell off the chair. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" Dr.Reid said

" Well you did, what do you need?" I said, sleep still in my voice

" Listen Amy, all the female victims resemble you and just to make sure you're safe we would like to put you in protective custody and you would be staying with me."

What Dr.Reid just said put a dumbfounded look on my face. I wouldn't of imagined this happening ever in my life, but since it is I'll just have to go with it.

"OK" was my only answer still trying to process all the information given to me. I stood up as Dr.Reid said that we would drop by my house to grab some clothes.

The car ride was awkward till we got to my house and I hopped out and ran to the door. There was a note stuck to it so I took it off and put it in my purse assuming it was from my parents about how much trouble I was in for not telling them where I was. 

"I'll read it later" I thought to myself.

As I walked in the hallway flipping on lights, I noticed that the sink was full of dishes and the t.v. still on but nobody downstairs. That was really weird considering that my mom was a clean freak. I dismissed it and went to my room to pack a change of clothes and my blanket. I decided to check on my parents before leaving and give them a brief explanation.

I opened the door to my parents room and they looked like they were in a really deep sleep. That is till I saw the red.


Chapter 4 done!! As you have noticed so far this story will be in Reid's and Amy's P.O.V.

Hoped you liked it :) 

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