Chapter 4

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I woke up in the woods still in wolf form and another wolf sleeping on me oh yeah its Nash but I still can't believed I shifted I got up but I didn't want to wake Nash up but I failed when I got up I fell back to the ground I looked to were I was hurting and it was my leg how did I get hurt there I don't remember getting hurt at all when I fell Nash woke up and helped me up by him putting me on his back I felt a wet thing on my cheek and it fell on Nash's back fell fur and he stopped and put me down he looked at me and I felt another pain in my arm I looked at it I saw blood coming out of it how come I didn't feel it when I felt my leg broken then Nash picked me up again and he started running we were at my house and Nash howled and I saw people running out the house then everything went black

I howled and my pack and Abraham came running out of the house when they saw hope on my back in wolf form they came to me slowly and picked up hope she whimpered but she past out so we carried her to our pack docter when we got there we put her on the bed the docter told everyone to get out but I didn't budge I couldn't leave her it was like something was telling me to stay by her side so I did the docter walked out and it was only me and her then the docter came back "Nash she has a broken leg and arm"he said and I nodded he left and we were alone again and I leaned it and kissed her lips I know she felt it cause she smiled and I kissed her again and left and ran in the woods I started to cry cause I know she will never loved me than I heard paws coming my way but I didn't care and the wolf was on top of my licking me then I relized it was Hope she just smiled at me and I shifted and licked her nose and ran I was going slow cause her leg was broken and it was healing slow so yeah then we ran back to the house and Abraham and Hope slept over and Hope slepted with me and Abraham slept in the guess room

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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