Chapter 1

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*Not a 5sos fanfic*

*Alex Pov*

I was getting ready for school since I  had to go because we were getting new human and werewolf students. Yes I am a werewolf. No we do not only shift on full moons.I am the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. Usually females rule with Alphas that are called Luna. Do not call me Luna though  I hate being called Luna.I had to earn the respect of being called Alpha because, no one wanted just a female alpha. I am only 19 and the only reason why I am Alpha at this age is because my parents didn't want to do it anymore the stress has gotten to them. "Hey Alex" My beta Ryan cheered as I walked into the kitchen. "Hey" I grumbled taking an apple from the bowl. "You think your mates coming to the school?" He question. He has already found his mate my best friend Violet. "I don't know and highly I don't care" I said. "Lie" My wolf Scarlett hissed. I agreed with her. "Why not?" He questioned. "I'm only 19 I don't need to find my mate until i'm 22 I wanna live awhile" I said. He sighed and left it alone. I grabbed my keys to my baby. Yes my car. It was a black mustang. I loved it. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and started my car. I sped off and got school in the matter of minutes. I parked my car and headed threw the school hall ways. The werewolves step off to the side probably knew from there Alpha I was one. I got to my locker and grabbed my stuff. After getting my stuff I walked into my Math class. All the teacher that worked here were werewolves. The teacher bowed his head at me I gave him a nod and walked to my seat. I sat down just staring watching all the new students walk in. My breath hitched as a wave of vanilla and cinnamon filled the room. I snapped my head to the source and in came a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was human.

I growled lowly when I saw a she-wolf walking towards him. Mine! I growled into the pack link which made her step back. I watched as he took a seat by some blonde bimbo. Human.I let out a low growl which made every werewolf snap there head towards me.

*Luke Pov*

First day of a new school I was not excited. I had a perfect life before my parents got a new job making us move. I was happy. I got dress and left without saying a word. I walked up to the school people starring at me. I Ignored everyone and went to the office and grabbed my time table. I went to my locker and put my stuff in it. I went off to my first class and went in. I was greeted by a girl but which confused me when she jumped back randomly and walked away. I went and sat down by this blonde which wasted no time to flirt with me. What confused me even more was when half the class snapped there head over to a girl sitting in the corner . The class has now started but, the girl next to me won't shut up. I went to go turn my head to tell her to knock it off but, when I did she took this advantage and kissed me. I pulled away almost right away but, more when I heard a chair slam in the back of the room. Everyone looked back to see the mysterious girl standing up she grabbed her stuff and walked out slamming the door. The teacher doesn't say anything but, look over to this boy and nod. The boy quickly kisses someone on the cheek and leaves. I sit confused as what just happened.I already know for sure that this school is fucking weird already.

*Alex Pov*

As soon as I see that blonde bimbo kiss him I lost it. I slammed my chair to the back wall grab my shit and left. I slam the door and walk down the hall wanting to leave before my wolf shifts and kills her. "Alex wait!" I hear Ryan yell. I roll my eyes and turn around. "What's wrong your acting like that boys your mate" He laughs. That's when I snap. I shove him into the locker. "He is" I hiss. He looked at me with wide eyes before saying something. "I thought you didn't care if you found him or not" He replies. "I lied okay!" I snapped "I want what everyone else has I get so jealous when people find there mates young I could of found mine at 16 but here I am at 19 not having my mate but, when I find him guess what he's fucking human!" I scream with tears falling down my check before stomping off. I went to my car and sped home I didn't go in but I quickly stripped my clothes and shifted needing a run to let my wolf out. I let out a pain howl and continued. Why did I have to get stuck with a human mate. I ran for a while getting all my anger out of me and then headed home. I picked up my clothes I left by my car and grabbed them going behind the tree I shifted and then walked inside to be greeted straight by my mother. "How dare you not tell me you found your mate!" She yelled. "He's human" I mumbled. "That's hard sweetie" My dad said walking up. I sighed and nodded my head. "Yea cause I gotta get to know him and then get him to trust me and then show him what we are and hope he doesn't reject me" I cried falling into my mothers arms.I never cried this much They didn't saying anything but let me cry. After a couple seconds I straightened my self up. "Well imma go do some Alpha work see you guys later" I said giving both of them kisses on the check acting like I didn't break down I walked into my office and went straight to my desk to work on paper work. This is my life of being a female alpha and having a human mate.

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