Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kito found his parents, but he didn't say a word. Instead he just walked alongside them with a frown on his face and his eyes on the ground.
They didn't really seem to mind his silence. In fact, they didn't really care. They just talked and teased back and forth as they walked back towards Pride Rock.
When they returned home, Kito excused himself and walked to the peak of Pride Rock. He felt the wind brush through his mane as if someone was trying to comfort him. He shrugged it off and hunched his shoulders up stubbornly as he looked out over the savanna. He heard paw steps come up behind him and he let out a low growl.
"Go away."
A familiar female voice spoke up, gentle yet powerful at the same time.
"Now that's no way to talk to an aunt," Sarabi said as she sat down beside him.
He shook his head.
"I'm not in the mood to talk."
"Did Scar scratch you again?"
He shook his head again.
Sarabi sighed.
"Well at least that's good news. When I talked to you about those scars you really had me worried. In fact, you're acting the same way you did then. Are you sure he didn't hurt you?" she asked.
"No!" he snapped, "No one clawed me, bit me, hit me, or anything like that! So why can't you just drop it?"
Sarabi watched him with a kind, sad expression.
"Because you're crying, Kito. You wouldn't cry unless something was wrong."
He stared at her and suddenly realized that she was right. He felt hot tears run down his cheeks. His vision blurred as a sob racked his body and escaped his throat. He felt Sarabi pull him towards her in a comforting hug. He cried silently into her, his body shaking and his eyes squeezed shut. When he looked up next he was shocked to see tears in Sarabi's eyes, too, but she wasn't looking at him. Instead she was looking at the drifting clouds in the sky, her mouth set into a forlorn frown.
He sniffed and pulled away.
She blinked her eyes a few times. In a matter of seconds it seemed as if she'd never been crying at all.
"So what has you all upset?" she asked.
"I just want Nala to want me like I want her."
Sarabi's eyes widened.
Memories of Simba and Nala playing flooded her mind's eye. She bit her lip as she tried to think of something to say.
"Well, you're still young... maybe she'll change her mind. Maybe you will, too," she said quietly.
"My mind will never change about her."
She glanced over at him and put her paw on his back.
"We'll have to see about that, Kito. Only time will tell."
She gave him one last pat on the back before standing up and walking away.
He watched her leave, secretly hating her for being right and loving her for being his friend. He scratched at the rock below him, letting his emotions swirl around each other in one great, chaotic ball.
He stood up, turned towards the savanna, and let out a roar. His first, actual roar. Power surged through his body as he continued to roar in sadness, anger, and confusion. He kept roaring until his voice was hoarse. He roared until every emotion had drained out of him. He roared out of spite, hate, and love. Then his voice quit, and he sprawled out on top the peak. He heard someone come up behind him, but he was too exhausted to see who.
Nala's voice met his ears, but he didn't care.
"I'm sorry," she said softly.
When he didn't lift his head, she made a small, frustrated sound. He heard her paw steps as she walked away.
Kito just stared at the savanna until his eyes closed and he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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