04; Isaac Lahey

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noun | mis - an - thrope | meaning - a person who does not like other people and avoids them.  

04; Isaac Lahey

Even before Miles had gotten to school, he was exhausted. He'd gotten close to no sleep the night before due to his entire family practically interrogating him over him coincidentally finding a certain Lydia Martin in the woods the previous night. The whole question-after-question did nothing for Miles besides get on his nerves, mostly because it seemed like his family seemed to think of him as to incompetent to make his own decisions. His distant relative that said that had been immediately pinned against the wall, his shirt balled up in Miles' shaking fists, until miles was peeled off of him by Chris. 

Apparently, Miles calling the authorities before his family once he'd gotten Lydia inside the warmth of his car was a popular decision. Miles argued that he hadn't seen the girl as a threat, and thought she need medical attention instead of the attention of a family of hunters, but at that point people had stopped listening to the boy. 

In the end, it was basically decided that Miles was wrong, even though he never really had much time to defend his case, and his families questions had quickly turned into accusations. Unsurprisingly, after his physical out burst, almost everyone seemed to turn against him. Once he was finally able to go, the phrase 'you're father would've done better' was spat in his direction nearly a dozen times. Miles wanted to scream on the top of his lungs that he wasn't, nor did he want to be, his father. But to do so would've be the a sin in his families eyes, mostly because it was crazy not to want to be as flawless as the great Noah Argent. 

Lately, though, since Allison had told him of the Hale fire, Miles wasn't so sure if his father was as flawless as he remembered. 

After retreating to the tranquility of his room, Miles had neared entering the state of sleep, but was disturbed by a knocking on the door. The time nearing midnight, Miles contemplated simply not answering the door so he could finally fall asleep, but eventually did get up to see Allison, disheveled to the extent that she looked almost as tired as he was. 

His cousin had invited herself into his room, and Miles had been to tired to argue with her. Allison had launched into a story about the first friend she'd made when she'd come to Beacon Hills, and how much that friend could be a pain in the ass which Allison would never get tired of. 

Eventually, Allison got to the point that the friend she was talking about was actually Lydia Martin, and that she'd been beyond worried about what her family was going to do to the girl once they found her. Miles found himself being thanked by Allison with such unwavering sincerity for doing what he did with Lydia, he had wondered at first if he'd just gotten to the point in his tiredness that he had begun hearing things. 

After Allison had finally left, Miles fell into his bed, his sheets tangled around his limbs messily as he was too done with his own existence to put effort into actually trying to get into bed. Despite his ceaseless exhaustion, Miles still had trouble falling asleep. Being alone with his thoughts and various emotions proved to be quite confusing, and by the time he did manage to fall asleep, it was nothing short of restless. When he'd woken up that morning, he hadn't felt like he'd slept at all, and hearing his family talk about a supernatural attack on some guy late last night only made him want to either  hunt down the mans murderer or crawl back into bed, not go to school. 

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