Fuck You

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"Hey whore, how many guys have you dated?"

TaeHyung stopped walking and turned to the side to stare at Jimin, giving him the dirtiest look. "Bitch, what did you just say?"

Jimin paused for a moment. Clearly this approach was not working..

He didn't know what the right way to handle this seduction would be but he could definitely cross of being insulting because that was not an option anymore.

Jimin sheepishly grinned. "Nothing, I said I love you" He nervously chuckled, causing TaeHyung to roll his eyes. "I don't know how you're planning on winning me over, Park Jimin, but that better not be it. I will be the shit out of you if you say that again"

Jimin really wanted to reply with But it's the truth however he didn't feel like pissing off the pink haired boy was such a great idea. Especially since he had to stay in the same apartment as him.

"Don't worry, babe. You'll be mine in no time, you can be my whore"


"That's right, I'll have plenty of time to fuck you. I haven't forgotten about that"

TaeHyung glared at the older and was considering taking off his shoe just so he could beat Jimin with is. "I swear to god Park Jimin..." He muttered something under his breath, causing the older to smirk.

It was quite amusing for him.

"Yah, we don't have milk. Let's go buy some before we go home" TaeHyung said, dragging Jimin to the shops.

"Well I have an alternative white substance for you-"

"Jimin don't you dare"

Because of the stern look given to him, the older cut his sentence short but still grinned.

The two walked into the shop and headed to the fridge section to grab a can of milk. As they went to go pay for it, Jimin saw a familiar face walking in their direction. "Shit.." He mumbled.

"What's wrong?" TaeHyung asked, eyebrow raised. "That's my ex girlfriend. I broke up with her like two years ago. This is awkward as fuck.." Jimin said just as the girl made eye contact with him.

"Jimin oppa, is that you?" She asked as she neared them. "Oh hey, Sunhee" Jimin greeted, forcing a smile. TaeHyung didn't know what to do so he just awkwardly stood there as the two conversed.

"So.. Are you dating anyone?" Sunhee asked after a while. Jimin paused, not knowing how to reply. He wasn't but he needed his ex to know he wasn't interested in getting back together and that's he's slightly gay.

Well, more than slightly.

"Well, you see-"

"I'm his boyfriend" TaeHyung spoke up after noticing how Jimin was reacting. It was obvious the girl wanted to get with Jimin who wasn't the slightest bit interested so he decided to help.


"Yepp, this bastard is mine" TaeHyung said, faking a smile. "He's my bitch" Jimin grinned, putting his arm around TaeHyung who wanting to punch him so hard.

"Y-You're gay..?" Sunhee asked, quite shocked at the sudden revelation. "I guess"

There was a very awkward silence and since no one was speaking, it was just getting worse.

"Well, we need to go. The queues are getting long. Bai~" TaeHyung waved before dragging Jimin away.

He let out a small groan as they made their way to the tills. "You could've ended that so much quicker than it was. You long my life out, Jimin" He complained.

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