Chapter Forty Nine

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Dermot had been sent off the night before to deliver the message to Professor McGonagall of the group's arrival. They hadn't received a letter back from the headmistress, making it noted that she was probably accepting of the idea. They were to set off from the flat the next morning and arrive in Hogsmeade, all of them completely determined to solve the problem once and for all. They only hoped that Dumbledore's portrait would work.

The morning of, Eleanor awoke to the sound of people arriving in the flat. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and cursed under her breath, realizing her and Fred had completely overslept.

"Fred, wake up." she said prodding his side.

"No thank you."

"Fred, come on we overslept."

"I'm okay with that."

"You are-" Eleanor heard Nixie and Sirius' voice. "Fred, Nixie and Sirius are here for some reason. It could be Order business... get up!"

"I am up, I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

"Merlin give me strength." Eleanor huffed before scooting to the side of the bed to stand up.

"Maybe if someone woke me up a little nicer, I would be happy to get out of bed for them." Fred smiled cheekily placing his hands behind his hand and lying on his back.

Eleanor looked at him before a pillow went flying into his face.

"There you go." she said before walking towards the door.

"I said nicer!"

"That was nice, you should have seen what I was originally planning to do to you."

When Eleanor walked out, George had already greeted their guest.

"What are you guys doing here?" Eleanor asked.

"Well good morning to you too." Nixie said with a smile.

"Sorry, morning....what are you guys doing here?"

"We come bearing news, Lady Eleanor." Sirius said in a dramatic tone.

"What's the news?" she asked.

"Your mandrakes leaves are in." Nixie smiled.

"Really?" Eleanor's face brightened. "That's great! But wait...why did you bring them over so early?"

"Because we were awake." Sirius answered.

"So you guys aren't here on official Order business?"

"No." Sirius said but then turned to Nixie for confirmation. The woman shook her head. "Right..see no. Not here on Order business. Wait, why did you think that? Does everyone know something we don't?"

"" Eleanor said. She briefly filled them in on the plan they had when it came to going to Hogwarts.

"Why didn't you inform the Order of your plan?" Nixie asked.

"Because you know my dad, he would probably say "Eleanor you stay here, and let the adults handle it."

Sirius chuckled.

"That was a good impression of Moony, actually. You just had to add the mustache and well-"

"So," Nixie continued, "you guys are planning on going to Hogwarts to speak with Dumbledore? I don't know if there is much a portrait can do."

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try does it?" Eleanor said.

"No, it doesn't. But..." Nixie began.

"But what?"

"Your father is going to kill us if he knows that we knew that you were up to something and didn't inform him." Sirius said. "Which is complete rubbish if you ask me, why are we the ones always getting scolded?"

Nixie shrugged. "Don't look at me!"

"I'm gonna keep looking at you!" Sirius said staring at her intently.

Nixie looked away from him back to Eleanor, doing her best to ignore the man-child beside her.

"Anyways, look Ellie, if you guys find anything out, make sure you let the Order know..we shouldn't be divided on this matter. It's crazy enough as it is."

"Well, we wouldn't keep the information to ourselves..why don't you guys just tag along?"

"Going back to Hogwarts..yes, let's do it." Sirius said without hesitation.

"After the last time being there, I thought I would take a little break from visiting it again so soon." Nixie sighed. "But I guess I don't have much of an option, do I?"


"Alright, count me in." Nixie said.

With the large group of the twins, Eleanor, Lee, Cedric, Nixie and Sirius, the group set off, leaving Verity and Marnie to manage the joke shop.

"Let's go as fast as possible, because I don't know how long Verity can handle Marnie." Cedric said.

"I gave Verity permission to put Marnie under a full body-" Eleanor went to say until Cedric looked at her with wide eyes.

"Ellie she's pregnant!"

"What does that matter?"

Cedric looked worried and overwhelmed in an instant.

"Relax, it won't hurt the might help everyone else if she was quiet though." Sirius said the latter part to himself.

They arrived to Hogsmeade and Eleanor looked around with a smile to see that everything had been repaired and the village looked as it did before the war. She remembered all the pleasant memories she shared during her weekend visits. Like buying millions of candies for Marnie or being forced to sell love potions with the twins on Valentine's Day.

She went to follow the group when she stopped along with everyone else.

"You have got to be kidding me." Eleaor said under her breath as she caught sight of the rest of the Order members arriving to Hogsmeade a little ways away from them.

"Well, this should be interesting." Sirius said as he began waving. "Hey Remus!"

Thank you @thewonderfullibrary for this adorable fan art!

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