Chapter 10 (Innocence FINAL)

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I drew that Levi pic up there xD I hope yu enjoy this rather long part!

Levi's P.O.V.
Now, how do I ask Petra to tell me where it is? Oh yeah. I got it.

-Time skip at Petra's home-

*On her bed*
"Hey Petra, I need to ask you about something."

"Anything for you babe."

"D-Do you know where that girl's belonging is?"
'I have to exaggerate so she'll believe it.'

"W-Wait, how do you know about it?"

"Uh, you told me yesterday. Did you forget?"

"Huh~ I guess I did! It's at my papa's place."


"Thank you Petra."
'I just needed that. How naive. Now just need to tell her tomorrow.'

I walked out of her bed until she pulled me back.

"Tch. Let me go."

"Nah uh until you give me a reward first!"

"Why should I do that?"

"I gave you information about something important! Now it's your turn."

"Alright. What do you want?"

"Promise me you won't tell her what I said to you. I'll always be watching you. Anyways, have a great day!"

I sighed again and said:
"Promi-se." Half-heartdly.

I walked stood up from the bed and started walking towards the exit of her room.

"Don't forget, I'll make sure that you won't be close to that girl. If you do, you'll see what happens. Hehe."

I widened my eyes and turned around to see her in bed covered in her blanket, sleeping soundly. 'That was a threaten? Hmph.' I rolled my eyes and closed the door after me. I looked at the door once more and walked out of her house.

-FlashBack Over-

That's how I got the information. Right now, I'm with (F/N), Brat 1(Eren) and Mikasa. Lucky Petra was home sick. I heard she had a fever.

"Once the guards have made a round, we'll sneak in. (F/N), do you have the cutting laser?"

"Yeah. I'm holding it right now."

"Good. Mikasa?"

"On it."

"Brat, do you have the items?"

"Y-oh crap. I left some at home because I was checking if they were in good condition but they weren't so u-um, i did-"


"I'm sorry!"

'I'm glad that my uncle left me some weapons from last time.'

"No worries brat, I have some spare."

(You readers out there are probably like,why would that need weapons??? It's only getting my page back. Well, there are soilders that will not hesitate to kill you if you intrude.)

"Ready? We're heading in."

Your P.O.V.
We headed into the huge factory with caution and stealth. Ninja dayo. We have reached into the building. I saw some slide doors and we headed inside.

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