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Surrounded by his pleasures and temptations

This wordly life tempted and led us to emptiness  without any realizations

A confession

To make without any confirmation

We've been ignorant in our sins and actions

Oh Allah we indeed are a

Selfish creation

Tempted by sins and Satan.

Once we were a blessed nation.

But we hung up to this dunya with fascination

Forgetting our goals that will benefit our akhira, our real end station

We failed in every test across our path.. Allah gave us tests and tribulations

Ignorance... doubting ourselves

We didn't

Seek for his mercy

And we were not patient

Oh Allah...

If only we could just stick to our obligations.

Towards your Arrahman...

Towards us..

As you're worthy slaves.

But unfortunately we were slaves of our empty desires and temptations.

Fulfilling our wordly desires

But forgetting about our duties

Before we leave this dunya, dear sisters and brothers,  we have to restore our relationship with the creator.

It is to Him we have to turn in the good and bad.

It's what our Quran and the prophet  Muhammad"peace be upon him"Sunnah said.

Piety is a blessing.

sincerity in our taubah by asking forgiveness regularly

Ask Him to lead us on his path of rahma

To bless us with more imaan and taqwa.

So we could resist this world and It's  distracting temptations,

Improve our relationship with Allah swt and ourself

With our religion

And to our obligations

in truly need of His guidance

ME AND MY WRITTEN THOUGHTSWhere stories live. Discover now