Chapter Fifty

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Eleanor looked at her father who approached them, along with Kingsley, Harry and Ron.

"Don't you just love get-togethers?" Sirius asked Nixie as everyone stood around unsure of what the other party was doing there.

"Yes, this is a lovely reunion considering we all saw each other yesterday." Nixie responded.

"What are you all doing here?" Remus asked them as he looked directly at his daughter.

"We're here for Chocoballs." Eleanor replied flatly, slightly irritated that while everyone claimed to be working together, it really didn't appear to be the case, and she was just as guilty.

"Chocoballs? You don't even like chocolate that much." Remus told her.

"They are for Marnie." Eleanor said.

"All of you came out here to collect Chocoballs for Marnie?" Remus questioned.

"Have you met, Marnie?" Cedric added.

Eleanor sighed. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Well after discussing the situation over," Harry began, " we figured we could come to Hogwarts to see if we could find any assistance in the castle."

"You mean talk to Dumbledore's portrait?" Fred said.

" did you know?" Harry asked confused looking to his godparents. Nixie and Sirius decided to stay neutral in the whole matter.

"Because that's why we're here." Eleanor admitted. "Honestly, we all thought of the same plan."

"You told me you were here for Chocoballs!" Remus glanced down at her.

"And you told me we were part of the Order too, so why are we only finding out about this plan after we find you here?"

Nixie stepped in between the two Lupins. "Rather than argue about this, shouldn't we just be happy that the majority of the Order members are here and that we all thought of the same brilliant plan? Yay."

"Yay!" Sirius encouraged the idea of everyone calming down.

Kingsley had no idea what was going on between the group but didn't want to brother with it either.

"Let's just head up to the castle, shall we? I'm sure McGonagall is quite confused as to why we're all coming to see her."

"Not really." Eleanor said. " I sent an owl last night."


"To the castle!" Sirius said pushing Remus along.

"This is insane." Eleanor mumbled to Fred as they approached the castle. "This all just needs to be over."

"It will be, hopefully Dumbledore has something insightful to say, even if it is just his portrait."

She smiled. "Yes he was always a very confusing way. I really hope his portrait is more straight forward because I don't think we have time to try to question everything."

"It'll be alright." Fred said offering her his hand in which she took it gladly.

Professor McGonagall appeared completely baffled by the situation that the group explained to her. But at that point, the woman learned not to be surprised by anything anymore.

"Well, I can grant you all access to his portrait, he was asleep the last time I approached the portrait. He tends to sleep a lot." Professor McGonagall said.

"I guess it really gives meaning to sleep when you're-" Sirius began to say but Nixie covered his mouth and shook her head.

"Too soon."

McGonagall allowed the group to go but before they could all leave she stopped Sirius and Nixie.

"I was wondering if I could have a word with you two."

"I didn't do it, Professor." Sirius said before pointing to Nixie.

"I assure you, Mr. Black that you're not in trouble and neither are you, Ms. Dover." McGonagall smiled.

"Well, I should hope not!" Nixie said. " I've been out of school for quite sometime now!"

Eleanor stood behind Fred and George as the group approached the Headmaster's portrait. Currently, the former headmaster was awake in his portrait and seemed quite happy to see the group.

"What a pleasant surprise." Dumbledore smiled. "I have visitors."

"I wish it was under better circumstances, Professor." Harry said. "But we have a bit of a problem going on right now."

"What is life without a little conflict, Harry?"

"I wouldn't call this little." Eleanor interjected.

To the best of their abilities the group explained to Dumbledore what was happening with the Wagner family. While they seemed all worked up about the situation, Dumbledore didn't appeared phased in the slightest, but then again, Eleanor couldn't remember many times where the professor ever looked worried or alarmed.

"The Resurrection Stone-"

"Gone." Harry admitted to him. "I dropped it in the Forbidden Forest."

"Are you completely sure that it's gone?" Dumbledore questioned.

"I'm guessing this means we get to go on a scavenger hunt in the Forbidden Forest?" Fred asked with a wide grin.

"Yes!" George said giving his brother a high five.

"How are we supposed to find a tiny stone in the middle of the Forbidden Forest?" Eleanor asked.

"You won't be alone in the Forbidden Forest." Dumbledore told her. "I'm sure you'll find those that will assist you all in your searches."

They were getting ready to set out to the Forbidden Forest as Hermione arrived after McGonagall called upon her.

"What is going on?" Hermione asked all of them, happy to see them but still completely confused.

"We'll explain on the way outside." Ron told her walking over and hugging her. "I've missed you."

Eleanor smiled at the two until she heard steps behind her. She turned around to see Sirius and Nixie returning from wherever they had gone off to.

"Where have you two been?"

"We'll discuss it later." Nixie said. "For now, we have a search to take part in."

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