20. Was I just at the wrong place at the wrong time?

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During the ride up in the elevator I go through a mental list of what to do and say, hoping that my acting will not falter or be too transparent. I am so angry at Artie. . and at Anthony as well.

Both of them have been playing me for a fool.

The doors open and I step out.

Swallowing I head for the front door of the apartment. Somehow the door seems more intimidating now than it has ever done before.

Opening it I step inside, stopping for a moment in the hallway to listen for sounds. There is nothing.

Seems nobody is home. I breath out a sigh of relief as I make my way down the hallway to my room.

This will give me some more time to think things through before I have to face them again. Entering my room I slump down on the bed groaning. Damn Anthony. . .damn him. Closing my eyes hard I force back tears that are threatening to flood my eyes, and I try the hardest I can to endure the hurt I feel in my heart. But it is to much for me to bare, so the dam breaks and the tears begins to fall.

Desperately I hug my pillow and I sob uncontrolably into it.

~ ~ ~

"Hey baby," Anthonys soft husky voice enters my mind and I open my eyes blinking. I feel his hand caress my hair with gentle strokes."Where have you been? I was so worried."

Shit, I must have fallen asleep.

He's sitting next to me on the bed.

"What?" I mumble drowsily and lift my head up a little from the pillow, I feel so disorientated.

"You've been gone for hours Sweetheart," he admonishes and lifts my chin up with his hand. His dark and sensual eyes regards me inquiring."Have you been crying?"

His thumb follows the trails on my cheek made by the tears and he looks at me with concern.

I turn my face away from him, swallowing hard as I feel the tears awfully close again.

"Go away!" I hiss through my teeth as I stare into the wall on the other side of my bed. "Get out!"

I feel his hand still and I hear him take a deep breath."WHAT?" he hisses back at me . He takes hold of my chin again and makes me turn back to face him.

He gapes at me, shaking his head in wonder."Baby, what's wrong?"

Quickly I have a mental debate inside my head, should I tell him or not? I then hastily make the desicion.

A chilly silence slowly settles between us.

"I remember, Anthony." I whisper and blink at him, a single tear escaping my eye.

He stiffens slightly and regards me with dark eyes."What do you mean?"

"I remember everything. You don't have to lie to me anymore. I know who I am. I am Lindy Benjamin." I breathe out and then I bite my lip nervously.

Anthony becomes quiet and he gazes at me passively. His lips are pursed into a thin hard line and his eyes has turned completely black and barren. He rubs his jaw and inhales deeply.

"Okay. . I guess this was inevitable." his voice is dark and it makes me shy away up on the bed. I don't know why, but the hard look in his eyes scares me."What more do you remember?"

I bite my lip hard and stare down into the floor. I don't know what scares me the most. The harsh and dark look from him, or what I am about to reveal and how that will affect my own heart.

"I know now what I do for a living, and thinking back makes me wonder. You knew all the time." I stare at him, trying to measure his reaction.

Anthony doesn't say anything, he just gives me a slight nod, then he motions for me to continue.

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