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This book as come to an end, even though I wanted to continue it for as long. Just like every story, there must be an end, so I decided to give my lil' Clara a sort-of happy ending where she chooses herself instead of a man, because a man is not the world, even though I want nothing more than to Stelara/Clefan to happen and stay happening. Does that make sense?

Anyway, fret not, my dear readers! A sequel will come (very soon, btw) where many unanswered questions will be answered. The second book will be called Ruins, as seen in the picture above. It will answer many questions (like I already said, but I needed to repeat for emphasis), tests relationships and friendships (looking at you Stelara/Clefan), and bring into light why my dear Clara is a doppelgänger, because I know that you are all dying to know why. Ugh, I can't wait to publish the second book!

 Ruins will be out sometime at the end of this week, or next week. Either way, I will link it here or make another note for all of you to see.

Thank you so much for sticking with my shitting writing and with Clara; it was amazing having you all read my shitty writing. I love you all, and please stick with me for the second book; I know you'll love it (hopefully)!

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