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Jisoo examined the pile of mysterious letters on the floor. The first thing he noticed was that it was colour coded. Blue ones were at the top, purple ones were in the middle and a small patch of black could be seen from the bottom. Jisoo picked up a green envelope from the pile. The back was facing him and on the flap, had the number 3285. He dug through the pile and found another letter. It was purple this time. The flap had the number 2140. He looked at the front and suddenly, the mysterious letters weren't so mysterious at all.

His eyes hovered above the writing.

That writing.

Oh, the writing he knew so well.

He was happy, yet sad.

Happy because this person sent a bunch of letters to him, although he had to spend five minutes trying to open his god damn door cause these letters were the reason the door was stuck- but still, he was happy because this person took their time to write whatever is in this envelope.

It might be good news, it might be bad, it also might be both; but Jisoo was over the moon.

But whenever there is happiness there's also got to be sadness.

Jisoo was sad because the writing that he knew so well brought back a lot of memories. Both good and bad.

The hand writing was faint and was written in black ink.

He only knew one person who would write in that neat cursive writing.

Jisoo looked back at the words infront of the envelope.

He knew, alright.

Jisoo knew that only Jeonghan is the one who took his time to write over 3000 letters.

Jeonghan was the only person to make 'Hong Jisoo'- the name that he always hated- look so good.


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