Chapter 31- Salvation

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We walked down a dark hallway, the dim light flickered every once in a while, showing that there are working generators still.

We haven't came across a single walker, not one. I kept my swords out though, I was not going to die from stupidity. We rounded another corner and I stepped in something dark red. Blood, was there blood on the ground?

If it was still liquid, it would must have only happened a while ago. There are survivors here, that's why theres no walkers.

I quickly showed the group my shoe, Daryl and Rick understood immediately, it took Carl a moment.

We walked down the hallway silently, not even making a sound. Carl and Rick both had guns, but Daryl and I would easily dispose of any threats due to our silent weapons.

We got to the end of the hall and the cafeteria doors were standing there, intact and boarded up.

I gave Daryl a wave and he came towards the door. He backed up and ran into it once, then twice, breaking the door open.

I ran in, holding my swords up, ready for any sign of a threat. However instead of a threat we found salvation.

Rows and rows of none perishable food items lined the shelves, a stack of medical kits sat on a far table. On the other side of the room sat jugs of water. The kind you put in a water dispenser, I ran to the water, and reached for a jug.

It was still sealed shut from the original packaging. I quickly opened it and put my mouth against it.

I tilted it on a angle and fresh water slid down my throat, quenching my ever growing thirst.

I looked behind me to see Daryl shoving potato chips into his mouth. My eyes widened as he handed me one.

The thin crispy chip sat in my hand. I stared at it for a moment and quickly ate it, making me crave more instantly.

Rick was devouring some dried fruit, and Carl was eating pure sugar, nothing in it just sugar.

I turned my nose up in disgust and walked over to the food. I noticed something shiny on the floor, and bent down to pick it up.

As I bent down I heard a tiny scream and the clicking of a gun being loaded. "What the hell?" Daryl shouted.

I went to turn around but something was held to my head. "Who the hell are you?!" A feminine voice questioned.

I didn't turn around, I waited for her to remove the gun from my head. "Mariah, who are you?" I asked, curiosity filling my voice.

"Allison Pearson."

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now