I could kiss you right now!! - Chapter 4

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Over the next few weeks, Tom and I spoke regularly and had become fairly good friends. Rupert had also messaged me a few times, after getting my number from Tom.

As for Uni, we had been assigned the task of creating a short film with the theme of 'love'. I'd wanted to repeatedly slam my head against a brick wall as soon as I found out. Love was not my strong point... At all. The only form of love I'd ever felt was the last time I ever hoped to feel it. I loved and adored my Dad more than anyone on the earth, the sun shone out of his back side, until he threw it all back in my face. He'd left my younger brother, my mother and I for his slapper of a girlfriend and moved to the other side of the country. I'd done everything I could to stop him leaving and he'd simply called me selfish and a loser... As I'd watched him walk away from our house that last time I'd seen him four years ago, I felt my heart shatter to pieces. I felt so betrayed and infuriated that he'd just gone so carelessly, it still hurt me now. My Mother, Brother and I continued the best we could.. But we weren't a family. We were just three people trying to live the damned sodden lives we were stuck with. There was no love between us, we were just there, forced to keep together because we all knew that we needed each others presence to heal the wounds that my Dad had left. When it came around to starting University, everything brightened up. I realised that I had a chance to move away and have a fresh start, and that I did. But love still hadn't found me at all, and I was happy with that.. Right up until this moment. I had no way to explain love, no ideas for this ridiculous theme and it was clear I was going to fail already.

Any thoughts of the stupid short film were blown away from my mind one afternoon at the start of March. Tom had been given the afternoon off, and had asked if I wanted to meet for a coffee. Of course there was no way that I was going to decline, and I found myself in a small back-street coffee shop waiting for the blonde. As I sat at a small table in the corner with Tom's hoody on my lap, I looked around the room. The walls were a deep red, with many old fashioned photographs and paintings hanging in various places. Most of the furniture was made of a dark brown wood and I almost laughed at how cliché the shop was.. It was like something you'd find in a film.

I was torn away from my thoughts by a very friendly voice. "Lea... Hi." It was Tom.

I twisted my head to look up at him, and saw the gentle smile plastered on his face. "Hey. How are you?" I questioned.

"I'm great." He answered, pulling out the chair opposite me and taking a seat. "And you?"

"Alright, I guess." I shrugged and looked down at my lap. "Oh, here... I have your hoody."

I picked it up and held it over the table. He took it from me and placed it on his lap. "Thank you."

"I washed it a few days ago, so it's not dirty or anything."

He chuckled and shook his head. "You didn't need to do that, I could have easily done it."

I shrugged again. "Well I've already done it now, so..."

He nodded and smiled at me again. "What drink would you like?"

"Latte, please." I smiled back at him and watched as he got up and walked over to the counter to order. I pulled my purse out of my bag and started to count out the money, ready to give it to him when he returned.

"You don't need to pay me." His voice startled me and I snapped my head up to look at him.

"You ordered quickly..." I mumbled before shaking my head and holding my money out to him.

"I'm not taking it, Lea. What kind of man would I be if I asked you to come for a coffee with me, then made you pay for your own?" He said as he sat down again.

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