Chapter 13

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"Hey, are you feeling ok? Shall I stay here? Or should I ask Liam to stay here with you?" Elice asks me when she comes into my room. Everyone is going to London today and I'm just staying here in my bed. "Uhm no, just go. I'm alright. Go have fun." I say. I know Liam would go to London and I don't want him to stay here because of me. London is the thing he was talking about this whole week. "You know what? I'm staying here. We're gonna have the whole house for ourselves and if we both stay here, we can go to London one day together but when you're feeling better and then we can do the tour they're doing today." Elice says. "Are you sure?" "Yes! Let me tell Romy, then I'll put on my pyjama's."

"GOODBYE!" I hear Louis yell upstairs. "BYE, HAVE FUN." Elice and I yell back. "So they're gone huh?" "Yea, even Liam." "Of course he would go, he loves London. Btw I heard you had a crush too?" "Uhm yea but it's nothing. Just a stupid crush." "Hmm" I nodd.

"I'm hungryyyyy." I say. "You're always." "And I'm booooored." "You're always." Elice says again. "Well actually, whenever I'm bored I text with Liam. But he's gone." "So what? Go text him." "Hmm maybe you're right."

Me: so you're gone now huh?

Liam: why? Would that be wrong?

Me: noo, I know how much you love London.

Me: I would never expect you to choose me above London

Liam: what if I did?

Me: then I would hug you and never let you go

Liam: oh wow

Liam: what are you doing right now?

Me: texting you and listening to Elice who's talking about some random guy she doesn't want to say his name of

Liam: goals

Me: hahaha

Me: I'm actually happy how our convo went today

Liam: me too

Me: tbh I would love to have a day with you and just hang out

Liam: is Elice that bad?

Me: she's a good hugger but she's tiny and sometimes you just need strong arms

Me: and just someone who can protect you and helps you when your cramps are getting worse

Liam: that's funny

Me: what?

Liam: i have strong arms ;)

Me: fokboooi

Liam: your fokboooi*

Me: true

Me: when you get back here, will you bring me some chocolatemilk?

Liam: sure. Hot or cold?

Me: cold pls omg

Liam: sure laur

Liam: got to go now

Me: okay, have fun!

Liam: i will

"He's there." I say when I put down my phone. "That fast?" "Yea, guess so. He had to go.." "Oh." "Wanna watch a movie?" "Uhm sure but I think I should tell you who I kinda low key like?" "Hell yes you should!" "Okay so the last time we had a lot of conversations but I don't think he will feel the same way about me." "Who is it??" "Well, it's-" we get intterupted by a knock on my door.

"Uhm.. Who's there?" I ask. Then I see the door handle going down and the door opening. When I can see who it is I'm low key shocked. "L-liam? What are you doing here? I thought you were in London." "I thought it would be more fun if you are going with me. So I skipped it." "If it didn't have cramps I would totally run to you and hug you right now." I say. "I'm gonna be downstairs.." Elice says. "Niall is downstairs too, just so you know." Liam says. Elice her smile is getting bigger. Then she walks past Liam, out of my room and closes he door behind her.

{NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SO CUTE AYE. Sorry that yall had to wait so long btw. But imma set a goal; 8 votes aye. If you just vote when you read this its easy to get. THANK YALL FOR READING BTW}

{question; whats ur name}

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