s e v e n t e e n | C h a s e

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"I'm bored." Peyton muttered as they entered Clea's room.

It was already around 12 midnight when the two decided to call it a night.

"Maybe you're just sleepy not bored." She retorted as she stretched her hand up while yawning.

Peyton was silent for a moment as a very brilliant idea suddenly appeared on her mind.

"Wait, you said that Bryce is sleeping over right?" She raised an eye brow and hesitantly nodded.

Peyton grinned at her mischievously, she wiggled her eye brows at Clea while rubbing her hands together like she's plotting a crime.

"Oh my God I'm not going to kill anyone!" She cried as Peyton rolled her eyes and frowned.

"You're over reacting." She deadpanned.

"Got it from you." Clea flipped her hair and smirked.

"Whatever. Just get your make up kit. We'll be needing it."

"Why? What are we do-"

"No time for questions just go get it!" Peyton hissed cutting her off.

Clea glared at her as she went to her vanity and grabbed her small bag and tossed it over at Peyton not expecting to hit her butt.

She was expecting her to catch it.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" Peyton glared at her as she rubbed her butt.

"I'm..so..rry." She mumbled through silent laughs as she picked up the small cotton soft pouch that contained a few of her make up.

"You're lucky I'm determined to execute my plan right about now so I have no time on lecturing you about accidents and your violence." Clea rolled her eyes.

"Fine fine. What's the plan?"

"Okay this is our plan. The beautician mission." Clea fake gagged at her name choice. "We're going to sneak in Hunter's room and put make up on their faces but make sure they'd look like a clown and not a beauty queen. Awesome right?" Clea's eyes widened at her friend's ridiculous plan.

"He's going to kill you!" She pointed at her as she quickly stood up.

"Why only me?"

"Because I'm his girlfriend duh?"

"You'll do his make up then and I'll handle Bryce." And then she finalize the conversation with a smirk.

"Are you sure about this?"

They were now standing at either side of Hunter's king sized bed holding a palette of eye shadow and pink lipstick.

A few minutes earlier, Peyton was about to jump off from Clea's window but she stopped her and reminded that she has a door and explained to her what's the use of a door, with sarcasm.

When they got out of her apartment, Peyton was too excited so she ran directly at the side of his house where his window faced Clea's window then she started climbing up using the tree trunk nearby and the window sill to support her but when she was already half way Clea shouted at her making her yelp in surprise.

Thankfully she didn't fall. But her face was so surprised it made her look like a deer caught in the headlights.

Because Clea was already inside Hunter's room, peeking down at his window looking at her best friend smugly.

She has his house keys just like he has her apartment keys. Peyton was just too engrossed on her plan that she didn't hear Clea calling out to her saying she has the keys.

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