Chapter 3

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"I am surprised at the sales figure in the last two months. I had a hunch but not by this much percentage," Muhammad eyebrows knotted in concentration as he studied the line graph displayed on the laptop in front of him.

Seating opposite to him was Salman who also scanned the figures at the Microsoft Excel sheet, "Yes Abou it seems that the new marketing campaign worked out well."

Muhammad slowly nodded in thought, "You are right son. Wait till I tell this to Abba. He will be very pleased to know how much progress has happened in just mere two months since you took over as the Chairperson."

Salman slightly flustered, "Abou, it wasn't only my effort. The whole team worked hard. And above all, you, Taya sahib (uncle) and Chacha sahib had guided me throughout this new campaign."

Muhammad stood up from his office chair and walked around his desk, putting his hand on his son's shoulder, "I have great faith in you my son. You will take this company through unparalleled heights of success inshaa Allah."

"Inshaa Allah," muttered Salman.

Muhammad's mobile phone ringtone echoed in the room diverting both men's thoughts. Salman glanced at his father's phone, his mother's picture was displaying that indicated she was calling. He grabbed the phone and answered it, "Salaam ammi."

"Walaikum salaam beta. Are you with your father?" Perplexed Seema asked.

"Yes we were discussing some matters. Here talk to him" Salman nodded and gave the phone to his father and stood to leave to give Muhammad privacy.

He smiled when he heard his father call his mother with his special endearment, "Assalam u alaikum Simi jaan."

His parents were an exemplary couple. Even decades after being married, they would show affection in ways Salman had never seen other older couples displayed. There were many random days when Muhammad would gift his wife a bouquet of her favourite flowers when he returned from work. Or every evening, his mother fussed around the dresser to apply makeup just before Muhammad arrived back from work. Salman had always seen his mother greet his father dressed nicely and with at least kohl or light lipstick on. Muhammad's eyes would always lit up seeing his smiling wife foregoing the day's hard work and stress.

Sighing, Salman entered his office and looked out the window that overlooked the majestic Wicklow Mountains. His eyebrows furrowed thinking would Nawal be that kind of wife where she would try her best to please him. He knew he would do everything in his power to just bring a smile on her face. There was a strong protective streak within him. She was too innocent and volatile ready to plunge in all kinds of danger. He had to suppress his urge to gather her in his arms and protect her from the harsh world around them. But he was helpless right now. She was only his cousin and he had certain limitations.

A smile slowly lingered on his lips as he thought of how she had asked him to become her friend again. He had to make a decision fast and talk to his mother about his intentions. He had enough of waiting. He didn't need to wait any longer.

His hand fisted.

Would Nawal agree?


Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as the car waited on the traffic light, Salman called his mother. "Ammi, do you want me to bring anything on the way?"

"Yes I needed milk. And ummm... ya that's about it." Seema responded tentatively after thinking what groceries were immediately at need.

It was in the evening around 6pm and Salman was making his way back home from a hard day at work. It was the early winter evenings where the sun had set ages ago and it was dark but the holiday season lights were lit on the street brightening the mood on this gloomy winter night.

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