Chapter 7

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"How is your hickey doing? Could you cover it?" Jungkook whispered into my ear. I shivered & turned around shocked. Jungkook grabbed me around my waist & tried to pull the bandage around my neck away.
"J-jungkook stop! You're annoying & you idiot make it for me so difficult!" I said & tried to push myself away from him, but he was stronger.

Why did the boys leave!? Why didn't I just went with them to get some food. I wanted to escape from the pratice room, but they locked us in. He threw my bandage away.
"You really can't cover it." He said & strock my neck with his fingers. Then he leaned in kissing the spot were my hickey is. His warm soft lips pressing against my neck.

I closed my eyes. I can't do this. Why is Jungkook like that to me!?
What the heck is wrong with him!?
He pressed his body against me. Do I love him? Why can't I push him away from me!? "J-jungkook leave me alone.." I whispered putting my hands infront his chest. "I can't resist it." He whispered back.
"Y-you idiot.. d-do you even hate me?" "Yes I hate you.." Suddenly he bit into my neck. "..but love you somehow..." A moan escaped my mouth.
H-he loves me?

"Y-you're l-lying.." I whispered.
"No I don't." I felt him kissing up to my jawnline. "J-jungkook.."
"You're so sweet." He whispered. Finally I could push him away. I covered myself, because I didn't felt confortable. Jungkook licked his lips.
Suddenly the door banged open. The boys came in.
"We're back!"
OH NO! My neck. The hickey is there.
I covered it with my hand. "Umm.. I have to go!" I said & ran out of the practice room.
I ran & suddenly I bumbed into someone. I looked up & it was Yoongi. "S-sorry!" I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist & pushed me against the wall.

Yoongi touched my neck. "That hickey is from Jungkook. Why are you covering it?" Yoongi asked me. I just looked up at him shocked. "Come with me. I will cover it." Yoongi said & pulled me with him. We went into a room & he put a bandage around my neck. "Why do you have a hickey from Jungkook on your neck? Tell what happened in the past few days." Yoongi said.

I sighed & told him everything. "I don't even know. What's wrong with him? That's the question that comes up." I explained. Yoongi sighed & smiled at me.
"He fall in love with you, but he is to shy to admit it. Wait you told me that he said that he is in love with you. The only question is: are you in love with him?" Yoongi asked me smirking wide. Aish.. what question is this?
I blushed & look to the ground. "I don't know.."

Yoongi patted my head. "Come on let's go back. I will tell the boys about this later. They have to know it I'm sorry." Yoongi said. I just nodded. We went back to the pratice room. The boys were already eating. "Ya! Why don't you wait for us!?" Yoongi complained sitting down next to Jimin. I sat down next to Taehyung. "Don't run away next time.. you made me worry about you." Taehyung said & gave me some food.
"Now eat or I will force you to eat on my own way!" I gulped and put some salat in my mouth.

Yoongi Pov
"Jungkook I have to talk to you." I grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him with me. "Do you love (Y/N)?" Jungkook looked at me shocked but blushing. "H-hyung.. what is this question?" Jungkook asked. "The hickey on her neck. I saw it." I simply said.
Jungkook just looked to the ground. "Hey! It's okey if you love her, but don't play with her!" My voice went louder & I grabbed his shirt. He gulped nodding.

Suddenly I heard (Y/N) scream from the pratice room. Our eyes widened & we went back.

(Y/N) Pov
I saw how Yoongi pulled Jungkook with him. I sighed & looked to the ground. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. "Nothing. Everything is alright. Teahyungie oppa~" I said smiling wide & rubbed myself against his arm.

Suddenly my phone vibrated.
I took my phone out & unlocked it. A message from my cousin popped up.

Hey sweet cousin,
I just wanted to tell you that I will visit you for a week.
So be awared!
You're awesome cousin.
Sent 2:56p.m.

My eyes widended.
Not my cousin... I don't like her. She cursed me so much trouble & even made me so many times cry. She bullied me in school. I really can't handle her..
She done so much bad to me.. I can't even explain.

I screamed in frustration. The boys looked at me surprised & shocked. Even Jungkook & Yoongi came back. "W-what's wrong!?" Taehyung asked worried. I grabbed Taehyung & pulled him with me.
"My cousin is coming.."
Taehyung looked shocked & worried at me.

"You mean that cousin!?" He whispered shouted. I nodded & lowered my head.
"Why?.." "I don't know... I don't want that Tae..." I said looking sad to the ground.
He lifted my chin & looked at me half smiling.
"She will not distroy us once more.. let's protect eachother.." Taehyung said hugging me tight. I warped my arms around him.

Right... there was this thing.. too....

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